Flaxseed oil treatments


New Member
I've heard at least a couple of people say that their flaxseed oil hot oil treatments or overnight treatments worked to smooth, soften, and make their hair appear a slighty looser pattern? Who exactly has tried this and how do you do it? Do you use heat? Do you apply the straight oil to your hair (how much?) or mix it with anything?
I do this quite often.

The down side is it makes your hair smell grassy.

I heat up my Flax seed oil and apply to my hair. I do this by sectioning if I was oiling my scalp.
I focus on my roots.
I apply a small amount of water to hair just to soften.
Braid hair in 4 sections and then cover head with plastic bag. I steam towel hair for 30 minutes prior to going to bed. Then I remove towel and cove with plastic cap and then plastic bags.
Then I dose.
In the morning I do a 6 min. warm water rinse then an AVC rinse.
Sometimes I have done this method and worked out for an hour and a half and then rinse. I still have wonderful results.
Thanks! Exactly what kind of results do you receive from doing this sterry and is the grassy smell still their after rinsing? Are the results still their after rinsing?
To get rid of the grassy smell I just use a good conditioner or an ACV rinse.
Yes the result are still there. It is hard to describe.
The hair is really soft and supple.