Flaxseed Oil & Results?


New Member
alright ladies, i KNOW there are many of you out there that use flaxseed oil religiously or just whenever.
i tend to lurk on this board :ohwell: but lately, my hair and skin have problems with moisture retention, even though i work out 5-6 days a week, drink plenty of water, eat a healthy diet, and don't smoke. i'm confused too because the humidity is no joke and i thought that all the moisture in the hair was supposed to help! i really think that flaxseed could be my fix.

so . . .
1- how many times a day do (or did) you take it?

2- did you see results? ( in your hair, skin, nails, etc)

3- and if you saw results, after how long? ( a week, a few days, a month?)

any replies are much appreciated!!!!
hnmm, i thought that too, but i used porosity control just the other week. it did help a little, but i dont think that porosity is my problem. thanks though!!
anyone else?

You said you noticed the problem "lately". What events have taken place recently that you know of? Did you switch soaps? Did you relocate to a different city? Did you add or remove any particular item from your diet?

I started eating flax-laden cereal recently. I still don't know if the improvement in my skin has more to do with that or the fact that I stopped using soap to clean my skin. Also, when I moved to an area with hard water, both my hair and skin suffered. I became sure it was the water quality when not just the hair on my head started breaking; the carpet fibers began to split too :ohwell:. I have since gotten these issues under control, but I first had to seek out the cause.
1- how many times a day do (or did) you take it? I take 2 large pills a day after dinner.

2- did you see results? ( in your hair, skin, nails, etc) Definitely, hair is more supple, nails are stronger.

3- and if you saw results, after how long? ( a week, a few days, a month?) One week. It's been a miracle.:yep:
I have nothing to add for the Flax Seed question (except that it will take months to see a difference) but hair steamers are great for this problem :yep: