Flatironing and Curlformers


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies!

I'll be straightening my hair and wanted to make sure my hair is really stretched out before flat ironing, as a way to minimize the amount of heat I'll have to use.

I've seen a lot of natural 4a/4b ladies get great results by rollersetting first. But I'm not too confident that I can get my roots straight with just normal rollers. I watched a few videos on Curlformers on natural hair and they seem to straighten the hair and roots pretty well.

So I'm thinking on the day I'd do:

Blowdry lightly on a cool/warm setting (Chi Rocket)
Flat iron (Maxiglide XP)

Has anyone done this? Or do you think it'll work? Any advice.
u already have them?? cause i wouldn't pay for 'em, so expensive, lol

idk i just wouldn't want to bother with all the extra work. when i use heat, i just go hard, lol. but if you think it'll work and you're really trying to avoid excess heat, then by all means, do it.
u already have them?? cause i wouldn't pay for 'em, so expensive, lol

idk i just wouldn't want to bother with all the extra work. when i use heat, i just go hard, lol. but if you think it'll work and you're really trying to avoid excess heat, then by all means, do it.

Me too. I don't think it's worth the extra effort. I'd just go hard with the heat.
I think that's a great idea!!! I plan on doing the same thing...curlformers(because I can't roller set well LOL. Then flatironing to reduce the amount of heat you will put on your hair. Going hard on the heat with no rollers requires more heat which equals more damage so i say go for it:yep:...the extra time you put into it will be worth it:grin:
I had great results with curlformers. But if you are going to flat iron I dont see the point in blow drying. I think you should use the curlformers then make you decision about the blow dryer after you see your hair.
Yes, it should work as curlformers do really well on the roots. Though I would just curlform and then round brush if you know how. You seem a little heat happy in your routine.
I agree if you already have curlformers go for it. I got some a year or two ago (wish i hadn't) they're too short for my hair now. (i got short/wide i think) And i was actually gonna do this myself (a couple times lately 2-3months) and I finally started at it but when i took them out i gave up (only out of laziness and
not wanting to use any more heat..with nowhere special to go) I actually use a good amount of heat regularly anyway.Which means for me that I dc like Crazy (every week for sure I dc for the past 2yrs or so) and research what cond.'s to use and when.

I rambled to say yes (good idea) if you have cf's and the time/patience.
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I do use Curlformers when I straighten, but I skip the blow dryer.

Posted before:

I haven't done your method, OP, but I stretch without any heat whatsoever. I use Curlformers and airdry:


After air-drying in Curlformers:

I then do my Wet-to-Dry press having wet each CF section of my hair with a protectant spray (one pass). Then I apply heat protectant serum to small sections again and pass the iron one more time through my hair.


Does anyone still do this?

I'm about to set my hair on curlformers now & wonder if anyone has flat-ironed right after taking them out. thanks!
i did the curlformers and then flatironed. I didn't need to blowdry. If you don't have curlformers you can just do a ponytail rollerset to get your roots or just rollerset and then blowdry your roots and proceed from there.
I'm looking to do this soon.

Can anyone share what products they use?

I haven't flat ironed in almost 2 years :spinning: So I've got to brush up on the latest and greatest heat protector. I think I have Sabino?
I've tried it minus the blow drying and for my hair it seemed like a lot of work and curlformers are really uncomfortable to sleep in if you're trying to air dry. I found that just drying my hair in two buns for a day then flat ironing worked better.
This is an old thread, but I'm bumping for a question. My ends are really curly - curlier than my roots. Will the curlformers straighten them out pretty good so I can then flat iron?

In the past, I've had to put a lot of tension on my ends in order to flat iron them because of the curl. The last time was such a disaster that I didn't even get past one small section flat ironing before I grabbed the scissors and cut the end off because I felt I'd damaged it. I'm hoping to prevent that with the curlformers.
This is an old thread, but I'm bumping for a question. My ends are really curly - curlier than my roots. Will the curlformers straighten them out pretty good so I can then flat iron?

In the past, I've had to put a lot of tension on my ends in order to flat iron them because of the curl. The last time was such a disaster that I didn't even get past one small section flat ironing before I grabbed the scissors and cut the end off because I felt I'd damaged it. I'm hoping to prevent that with the curlformers.

My ends turn out pretty straight but I make sure I use a fine tooth comb before I put in the curlformer.