Flat Ironed My Hair*Pics*


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I've been bunning for a couple of weeks and wanted to wear my hair down for the holiday. I don't know what I was thinking because I'm cooking a ton of food for Thanksgiving, but you know how we can be when we want to look good :) I was supposed to try rollersetting, but I didn't feel like it today, so I will try next weekend.

I washed my hair with pantene smooth vitality shampoo. Then I conditioned with silicon mix and joico moisture rocovery for about 35 minutes under my heating cap. Next I blow dried then applied some chi silk infusion. I flat ironed using the comb chase method. Once I was done I rubbed a little extra virgin coconut oil in the palm of my hand and applied to my hair and ends. That's it.

The picture quality isn't the best. They were taken with my camera phone. Here you go:

Have a Happy Thanksgiving Ladies!

ETA: I embedded the pictures in a post further down so you all can see the larger versions. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for looking and all the compliments :) You guys are so fab :)
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I'm about to toss my laptop out the window coz it won't let me enlarge the pics. Can someone please buy me a working/normal speed laptop for Christmas? :wallbash:

OP the pics look nice. Wish I could have a close up though. Maybe if I sit here all night I'll get to see them enlarged; hopefully it'll be before Christmas.
^^^It's not just you, Nonie...Nikos is working on it. OP, from what I can see, your hair looks great! :congrats:
LMBO It's not you Nonie!!! Looks nice from what I can see but I can't see much because I'm blind as a bat and need pics to be 500x as big as what they are now.
It's definitely not just y'all. I thought it was just me!

OP- your hair looks great. Very full and healthy. KUTGW!
Thanks ladies! I can't enlarge the pics either when I click on them. That sucks! Does anyone know how I embed them in the post? That would make them larger right?
:giggle: Thanks, Ladies. I was behind news on that issue. My apologies to this darling laptop of mine. (Please don't die out of spite. :look: )

To my laptop with love :look:

Me and you us never part, makidada♪♪
Beautiful results, from what I can see! Couldn't enlarge the pics either :). I'm glad you mentioned it nonie. Thought it was just me :lol: too.
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Thanks ladies! I can't enlarge the pics either when I click on them. That sucks! Does anyone know how I embed them in the post? That would make them larger right?

You would need to have them saved on an online album (not free Fotki because it only lets you post links to your album; I don't think it lets you embed them). Premium Account Fotki and I think Photobucket do allow you to use the URL to embed.

To do so you click on this icon
(found above the window you post in) then you paste the URL in the window that opens after you click on the icon and hit enter, and the image will appear in the thread.

Here's a URL you can use to test it. Highlight the entire string and right-click to select COPY, then click on the icon and right-click your mouse to select PASTE and then hit ENTER, and voilà!

Photo URL: http://tiny.cc/7ss7g
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:giggle: Thanks, Ladies. I was behind news on that issue. My apologies to this darling laptop of mine. (Please don't die out of spite. :look: )

To my laptop with love :look:

Me and you us never part, makidada♪♪

I was about to tell you not to bother with a new computer. Mine's a few days old and I was about to download all kinds of programs thinking "what the heck is up with this machine?" I'm glad my 'puter is okay :giggle:
Had to put my laptop up to my eyeballs but, wow! It looks beautiful! Enjoy your Thanksgiving knowing you look Lovely!
Thank you for posting these. I want to see others and I know they are waiting for the challenges to end but this is great motivation. I hope others will start posting challenge and hair growth results soon!

Your hair looks lovely and flowing! Congrats!
Thanks so much Nonie for the embedding instructions :) and your compliment.

NJoy-Thank you! Girl your hair is ridiculously beautiful. My goodness!

Mostamazing-Thank you! You're too kind :)

.Wanji.-Thank you so much :)

Acapnleo-Thanks girl. I'm trying to get that shine that you have. Any tips?

Thank you diadall :) I think I'm going to do a weave it up challenge or crown and glory when the new year begins. Thanks again!

I hope I didn't forget anyone. I so appreciate you all, so if I did I'm sorry. Thanks to you all :)