flat ironed my hair ....looks horrible!


Well-Known Member
Sorry no pics..... But , I'm transitioning , and I have about 4 inches of new growth, I wanted to see how long my hair is now...

I did a bad job ugh!!!!!!!
My ends are a mess and my roots a still wavy lol

But I am now a bit an inch or 2 past shoulder Yeah!!!!

I'm going to get a blowout Sat ... I'll let the experts do it ....
Don't feel bad...that is why I learned that if you are going to transisiton....try not to straighten it too often..that was the very reason I got discouraged and relaxed again. The two textures together cna be very discouraging but if you press on and make it to your goal...your flat ironed hair will be just what you expedcted if not MORE. Stay encouraged.:)
Tonya said:
Don't feel bad...that is why I learned that if you are going to transisiton....try not to straighten it too often..that was the very reason I got discouraged and relaxed again. The two textures together cna be very discouraging but if you press on and make it to your goal...your flat ironed hair will be just what you expedcted if not MORE. Stay encouraged.:)

Thanks Tonya!!!!!!!!

I will not relax........anymore!