

Can someone please tell me how to stop this. My hair-stylist tells me to oil my scalp regulary but nothing I try works. (I've used Top Brass, Olive Oil, Tea tree Oil, and at one point Carrot Oil) Results from all of these didn't last very long i.e. the next day my scalp would be flaking again. I have started rinsing daily but that hasn't helped (my hair is a bit softer , though) And with the rinsing it think the alcohol in the conditioners I use dries it out even more (haven't been able to find one without it)

Any suggestions welcome
Have you tried Sulfur 8? That stuff helps. And also I read in this natural remedy book that you can rinse your hair with water that has 2 aspirin tablets dissolved in it. The aspirin has salicyc sp? acid which has bacteria fighting properties. I hope this helps.
Re: General Info for Scalp Problems


*What products does your hair styilst use when you go to the salon?
*What products do you use in your hair?
*Do you massage your scalp regularly?
*Do you massage your scalp after you oil it?
*Do you use a dandruff shampoo? If so, do you leave it in for 5-10 minutes,
so the ingredients can penetrate?

The products you use in your hair and your overall regimen may play a part
in your scalp condition dilemma!
I've learned about harmful ingredients used in hair care products from this site.
Do a search. There are several threads on this site that relate to your situation.
ok ... i don't want to disgust you totally, but this is what worked for me.

1. Bio Active ... they have a leave-in liquid product for the scalp. In addition to this ... i used

2. Osterich(sp??) Oil on my scalp. The flakes were gone after a week of this. This oil is rather heavy though, but it worked.

And another thing ... sometimes before washing...
1. make a cup of organic green tea and let it cool until it's lukewarm
2. part the hair add "dab" the tea bag on your scalp ... do this over the entire scalp and then shampoo as usual ... sometimes this work

ORS Uplifting shampoo is pretty good too. Hope this helps!

Ballet Bun ....
maybe your scalp doesn't like oils. try not oiling your scalp for a few days and see what happens. hot oil treatments maybe a better option for you as well as taking a supplement i.e. cod liver oil, flax seed oil, evening primrose oil. Otherwise you may need to see a dermatologist for your scalp.
I've suffered dandruff for years, and what has helped me I've noticed is not putting anything on my scalp at all. I experimented this week with that. I put nothing on my scalp a few days and my scalp was fine. As soon as I oiled it, it stared itching and flaking.