Fix your Ratty wig ends like new!!!


New Member
Hey ladies, I just wanted to post this information for anyone who is as frustrated with throwing out wigs once they start to get ratty. :wallbash:

Well I was spending a lot on synthetic wigs because I had to replace them monthly so I did a search online for how to restore them. I came accross a really old article that suggested ironing them. What! We were told never to apply heat to a synthetic wig. Not true! You can iron your wig ends on very low heat and they will smooth out. I just tried it and it worked!:grin:

I suggest doing a test section first to make sure the heat is low enough or try putting a pillowcase over the wig and ironing. If it is too high it will burn and melt like plastic. This is going to be a really big money saver for me!

Here is the link to the old article i found. Hope this helps someone.
Thank you soooo much. My 1/2 wigs are soldiers but sometimes the ends are unfaithful to me. I just end up cutting the wings into a new style but sometimes I don't want to cut them but so short.

No problem. I have a cabinet full of old wigs that I intend on restoring this weekend. The article suggest small sections so I will make sure to do that. I am so happy. I will be saving some dough!
thanks, thats good to know. sometimes with new wigs i would use my flat iron to shape the bangs or the whole wig. i just figured, how does the manufacturer get the bend in there. you do have to be really careful with the heat though.:yep:
Thanks...I am going to try that. I just saved my human hair half wig by soaking it in baking soda and water. It got oily from using oil on my natural hair.
Your post is so on time. I can't find another wig like my fav and I really didn't want to toss it. I'm going to see if this helps.
Thanks babe. I have a couple I need to try this technique on. I was going to trash them anyway but it won't hurt to try it.
No problem ladies :) Please report back and let me know if it works. I only did this on straight synthetic wigs. I am not sure how it would work on curly styles.
Ok so, have I told you lately that I love you?! LOL, just kidding, but this thread is right on time!! I've been spending money getting a new half wig every month since I chopped and I've been wondering on what to do to make my wigs last longer. From what I've read, I need to add cholestrol conditioner to it, when washing, keep it on a foam head when not wearing it and to apparently bump the ends every now and then.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Hopefully the wig I bought last month will last me some time, and I can alternate between the ones I already have.
Another tip i learnt from bhm is pouring boiling hot water over the wig, what i do is first soak the wig in cold water and fabric softner,place the wig on a foam head and make sure all the tangles are brushed out and then pour boiling water over it.It looked brand new afterwards! I tried it for the first time last weekend and was amazed.

Be warned though any curls or wave in the wig will vanish and the hair will become bone straight but then i suppose you could always roller set it and pour/dip more boiling water over the wig to make the curls set.

Another thing to try is the Pantene relaxed and natural shampoo or conditioner. It works like a charm on curlier styles - helps to detangle and make the ends look new again!
Bumping because I know there are alot of wig/half wig wearers. I have never tried this technique, but I am subscribing because I will be purchasing a few.