Fish ... Types? and Recipes?


New Member
Hi... yesterday or a few days ago there was a post about eating fish and hair growth. I've never really been a huge fish eating aside from fried whiting (sp) and tuna. Anyways, I was wondering what other fish should I add to my diet to help with hair health? Also, how do you prepare your favorite type of fish? thanks everyone...I love this forum! :grin:
i lovvvve salmon.
I usually season it with salt and pepper, garlic power (i dont like using actual garlic in this recipe because it burns easily and gets bitter) and onion power.
I then put butter and oil (u have to use both because butter burns easily and the oil raises the burning temp. of the butter and you still get the butter flavor) in a pot on medium to high heat and sear it so it get a nice brown flavorful crust (about 3-5 minutes on both sides). Yum-O!
Marinate a salmon fillet overnight in teriyaki sauce in the fridge. You can foreman grill it, bake it or broil it. Add pepper, or other seasonings if you'd like...

Marinate your salmon, tilapia, or cod in italian dressing (a nice quality one with tons of herbs)-sprinkle italian seasonings on the top to coat and bake in the oven... very good!

Or with orange roughy, salmon (yeah my favorite) you can sprinkle lemon juice over them, place a few pats of butter and pepper on top place in a pan oiled with olive oil, bake... and Voila!!!

It depends on the type of fish you like, I don't like harsh fish tastes-so I always try to marinade or something, and it he always thinks I'm the greatest cook. fish is very easy to cook, and I need to incorporate it more into my own diet/
Great minds think a like:yep:- I was just thinking I need to beef it up with the fish to, no pun intended, lol. Take a peek in the cooking thread started a thread about Salmon recipes and there are a whole lot of great ideas in that thread, rushing to work, will come back later w/more reipes.

I was also thinking that the OP should also put this thread over in the recipe/cooking thread... that way you will probably get more responses.
Is it true that one should be careful of the mercury content in certain types of fish, like salmon and tuna? For this reason, while I love tuna and grilled salmon, I'm leary of eating it too often. I love Tilapia, Whiting, and shell fish and eat it a few times a week but that gets old really quick! Off to research...

Okay, I found a couple cool sites w/interesting info. and There's a tuna calculator that lets you know how much tuna and what kind is safe for you to eat based on your weight Also found on the same site:

There's a another site that says the mercury thing is just hype

Mods, sorry if this is OT but I thought it may be useful info, especially for pregnant women.
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Thanks so much ... I ate salmon pin wheels stuffed with lobster meat for two nights in a row, cause I didn't know what else to try and I just didn't know what to do and those come pre-prepared! You guys are the BEST!!! I LOVE this forum!
Thanks so much ... I ate salmon pin wheels stuffed with lobster meat for two nights in a row, cause I didn't know what else to try and I just didn't know what to do and those come pre-prepared! You guys are the BEST!!! I LOVE this forum!

Now hold on a minute...I can eat lobster err day of the week :lachen: :lick:Seriously though, I'm glad you've found some useful info!