First she said $45 dollars then..........


New Member
she asked me how long my hair was




and i told her it was almost to my bra strap, then she said well since your hair is long it will be $55 dollars
for a wash and press.
i have mixed feelings about it but im kinda glad someone considers my hair long :look:

eta i did let her know im 11 months post relaxer, but she didnt tell me 55 until i told her it was at my bra strap
but i could have been nl/sl and 11 months post relaxer so i think she was concentrating on length
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HAppens to me all the time. I HATE it and I don't go to that person. MY stylist even told me my hair is easier to flat iron than ppl with shorter hair because she has to style theirs more so for people to try to charge me more for a few inches is ridiculous. I'm not hip length.....yet!
Glad you got some pleasure from it though lol
I used to get my hair braided years ago and was charged extra just for having hair that is beyond shoulder length...The ladies at tha African Braid shop were like "No your hair too long. I charge extra." :perplexed
When someone changes their mind, I walk out the door. It's either $45 or nothing.
i didnt get to go to the shop yet. i spoke with her over the phone but im gonna get my hair done i dont have the time to do it for me it will take 3 hours
Thats why I dont even play myself to try to go to the salon as soon as they find out my length, thickness AND the fact that I'm natural I'm looking at a minimum of $85 if I find a good deal:ohwell: and just imagine........ I'm closing in on my final goal of WSL so I'm not even gonna do it to myself. DIY saves money, prevents setbacks and keeps me for me!
HAppens to me all the time. I HATE it and I don't go to that person. MY stylist even told me my hair is easier to flat iron than ppl with shorter hair because she has to style theirs more so for people to try to charge me more for a few inches is ridiculous. I'm not hip length.....yet!
Glad you got some pleasure from it though lol
u are so right cause most of the time stylists only flat iron the hair going straight back. thats usually what ppl with long hair usually want, or they get their hair bumped at the ends
I used to get my hair braided years ago and was charged extra just for having hair that is beyond shoulder length...The ladies at tha African Braid shop were like "No your hair too long. I charge extra." :perplexed
lol at t he way she worded it :lachen:
Thats why I dont even play myself to try to go to the salon as soon as they find out my length, thickness AND the fact that I'm natural I'm looking at a minimum of $85 if I find a good deal:ohwell: and just imagine........ I'm closing in on my final goal of WSL so I'm not even gonna do it to myself. DIY saves money, prevents setbacks and keeps me for me!
wow 85 is a lot esp at the minimum. im a diy but thursday i dont have the time nor patience. this will be my first time going to the salon since sept 08
Thats why I dont even play myself to try to go to the salon as soon as they find out my length, thickness AND the fact that I'm natural I'm looking at a minimum of $85 if I find a good deal:ohwell: and just imagine........ I'm closing in on my final goal of WSL so I'm not even gonna do it to myself. DIY saves money, prevents setbacks and keeps me for me!

They just look for any reason to charge extra, if it grows 3 inches that is probably $15 extra...:lachen: $5 per extra inch.

And quit playin BMP, you know you gonna pass that goal in no time.:yep:
They just look for any reason to charge extra, if it grows 3 inches that is probably $15 extra...:lachen: $5 per extra inch.
O-KAY?!?!?:lachen: Always flippin the script and changin up the charge. I dont see why I have to be charged sooooo much more I mean seriously:rolleyes: but its whatever nobody will baby my hair like I will:yep:

And quit playin BMP, you know you gonna pass that goal in no time.:yep:
Chelz any time someone says that to me I'm still sort of in disbelief its amazing how far I've come and how much my perspective has changed about my hairs potential:love2:
I used to get my hair braided years ago and was charged extra just for having hair that is beyond shoulder length...The ladies at tha African Braid shop were like "No your hair too long. I charge extra." :perplexed
Oh GOSH, I had the exact same thing happen to me last year when I was relaxed, down to the wording. :lachen:
Yeah the ol' length/thickness surcharge. I already know that the next time I go to a salon (whenever that may be), I'm going to have to figure the cost into an Excel spreadsheet. My mom is paying $130 per re-touch. Ain't no way...
O-KAY?!?!?:lachen: Always flippin the script and changin up the charge. I dont see why I have to be charged sooooo much more I mean seriously:rolleyes: but its whatever nobody will baby my hair like I will:yep:

Chelz any time someone says that to me I'm still sort of in disbelief its amazing how far I've come and how much my perspective has changed about my hairs potential:love2:

Yeah i think that anyone that charges an arm and a leg just for the length is full of pure jealousy. Or they just dont know what to do with it and are overwhelmed cause half their customers are bout bald head from poor at home care.:look:

Awww i'm so happy for you BMP.:blush3:
Yeah the ol' length/thickness surcharge. I already know that the next time I go to a salon (whenever that may be), I'm going to have to figure the cost into an Excel spreadsheet. My mom is paying $130 per re-touch. Ain't no way...

WHAT??! :thud: For one freakin retouch? Blasphemy! How long is her hair??? :nono:
:perplexed I never understand what's so much more difficult about couple more inches of hair. And half of the stylists want to charge more then cut it off before it's all over.
WHAT??! :thud: For one freakin retouch? Blasphemy! How long is her hair??? :nono:

MBL but it's thick, thick, thick. She's gone through 3 stylists since November because by the third appointment, they all punk out. Now she has a man and he seems to be hanging in there.
Yeah the ol' length/thickness surcharge. I already know that the next time I go to a salon (whenever that may be), I'm going to have to figure the cost into an Excel spreadsheet. My mom is paying $130 per re-touch. Ain't no way...

That's ridiculous. I only paid $55. The only people I know that charge that much are white salons or the one black stylist in my college town who feels the need to exploit his people because he knows he's their only option.
Well atleast u found out b4 u showed up, I went bac in early March to geta touch up (mind u by that time I had fouind the board and did my first strech for 6 months) The girl relaxed my hair, complaining the whole time abt how thick the new growth was then trimmed me then whn t0 came time to pay she charged me 100 EUROS. Prtty sure I havent seen her since other than to braid my daughter's hair from time to time. Matter of fact we were in there last week and she was looking at my new growth like I hope u dont wait too long to realx like last time. Meanwhile I'm thinking the next time I do relax I'll b doing i myslf so its not your concern
That's what happens when I go to the Dominicans. It goes up from 25. They know they wrong for that -- but it's supposed to be 10 more for being natural and 10 more for having long hair and at least they only charge me 35. *scratches head on that one* I've asked why and sometimes they say it's the curl, sometimes it's the length. -shrug-

I shoulda asked that girl with the tailbone length ponytail's mom how much HER hair is.
I used to get my hair done at JCPenneys....and one other stylist...but the lady at JCP always did my hair the way i liked it...this was pre-LHCF....but i'm scared to go back to ANY salon bc i KNOW they gonna charge me an arm and a leg to do my hair.

I haven't been to a salon since February 29,2008. Yes...i memorialized that date!:laugh:
They will charge extra for anything that touches SL so it doesn't even need to be 'long', it's just a money-making tactic. If you go to a white stylist, they'd probably not even blink twice, because it's no big deal to them.
They will charge extra for anything that touches SL so it doesn't even need to be 'long', it's just a money-making tactic. If you go to a white stylist, they'd probably not even blink twice, because it's no big deal to them.

NOT! MY natural friend gets her hair washed, blow dried, pressed and flat ironed for 35 dollars at this white salon near us. I went in and asked them how much would they charge me to just flat iron my hair if I wash it they said how long is your hair. I think I was apl at the time and she was sl and she said 45. I said well I have a relaxer so you dont have to press it she said it's still 45 for length.:ohwell: I walked right on out of there.

ETA: Naw this was before finding the hair boards and before my heat damage so I may have been bsl or mbl but regardless. The price was ridic just for a flat iron
Since I have been washing and conditioning and setting my cousins hair as a favor I really understand why a good stylist would charge more money to work with longer hair. It takes more time. I pre-poo, shampoo, and deep condition her hair about every 2 weeks. I only do it when I have time. She has been getting compliments at work and her hair is more healthy, someone asked her who was doing her hair. I told her not to tell them because I don't have a license and not sure if I want one.............. But if I had one would charge, both arms and both legs.:lachen:
I used to get my hair braided years ago and was charged extra just for having hair that is beyond shoulder length...The ladies at tha African Braid shop were like "No your hair too long. I charge extra." :perplexed

That's understandable:yep:, When I first started getting my hair braided (before LHCF) my hair was very short, maybe 3 inches all around and a braider could give me micros in about 4-5 hours and I was charged about $125 because I provided the hair. The last time I had my hair braided, it took about 13 + hours and cost me $360 for micros, with me still providing the hair, because she had to braid past my own hair. That's 2-3 heads of hair she could've braided in the time that it took to do mine all because my hair is longer.
They will charge extra for anything that touches SL so it doesn't even need to be 'long', it's just a money-making tactic. If you go to a white stylist, they'd probably not even blink twice, because it's no big deal to them.

Are you sure?

Most salons charge a long hair charge especially for laborous work (like blowdrying especially if its curly hair going straight) and especially for chemicals like color. I even know some salons that will charge extra to cut long hair (more specifically length past BS).

It makes sense only because they have to use more product and more time ( this is especially the case with highly textured hair).

I feel that as long as they tell you this BEFORE they start and not change the price later (even for a valid reason like you saying your hair is relaxed when you have several months of NG) then it should be ok. You can choose to leave or proceed with the serice.
NOT! MY natural friend gets her hair washed, blow dried, pressed and flat ironed for 35 dollars at this white salon near us. I went in and asked them how much would they charge me to just flat iron my hair if I wash it they said how long is your hair. I think I was apl at the time and she was sl and she said 45. I said well I have a relaxer so you dont have to press it she said it's still 45 for length.:ohwell: I walked right on out of there.

ETA: Naw this was before finding the hair boards and before my heat damage so I may have been bsl or mbl but regardless. The price was ridic just for a flat iron

Are you sure?

Most salons charge a long hair charge especially for laborous work (like blowdrying especially if its curly hair going straight) and especially for chemicals like color. I even know some salons that will charge extra to cut long hair (more specifically length past BS).

It makes sense only because they have to use more product and more time ( this is especially the case with highly textured hair).

I feel that as long as they tell you this BEFORE they start and not change the price later (even for a valid reason like you saying your hair is relaxed when you have several months of NG) then it should be ok. You can choose to leave or proceed with the serice.

To the bolded: Yes, I am sure of what I'm talking about, what would make you think I was unsure of what I said?

Experience leads to beliefs/opinions. Maybe things are different where YOU live. I've seen pics of OP's hair and although almost BSB length hair seems 'long-ish' to us, it's not 'long' to white salons, let's just be honest.

I have a lot of friends with actual BSL hair and longer who have stopped going to some black salons and gone to white salons in our area for hair cuts, touch ups, BKT, & styling etc because they're not charged a 'length' fee because ALMOST BSB hair at their stores isn't something just so out of the ordinary.
Are you sure?

Most salons charge a long hair charge especially for laborous work (like blowdrying especially if its curly hair going straight) and especially for chemicals like color. I even know some salons that will charge extra to cut long hair (more specifically length past BS).

It makes sense only because they have to use more product and more time ( this is especially the case with highly textured hair).

I feel that as long as they tell you this BEFORE they start and not change the price later (even for a valid reason like you saying your hair is relaxed when you have several months of NG) then it should be ok. You can choose to leave or proceed with the serice.

That is what I would say. A lot of people will ask what the charge is for a service. When people ask me for something I always give a price range not a set price because I want the work involved to be worth the compensation received . You would be surprised how many times people will want you to spend 8 hours on their hair and give you $20 with a wide grin on their face and a thank you. People try to get over on both ends of the fence. I would make the decision to pay a hair stylist based on if I feel what I am paying is worth the service I am getting. If not, no harm in canceling and doing the job myself.