First Self Relax with LYE---Phase 1: The strand test


New Member
OK! March is finally here and it's time for my touch up. After much anguish and searching, I found a lye relaxer that I can be comfortable with. It's actually the lye version of the no lye relaxer I've used since 2001: Vitale.

Any way thanks to Southern girl and Shamboosie I feel confident enough to take the plunge!!!

I did the strand test this morning and I liked what I saw. A few things though. I took hair from different sections of my head because my natural curl varies. The middle of my hair is 4a, very tightly coiled and fragile. That's where the breakage is and that's where I have itching issues. The crown of my hair is 3c and for some reason takes the longest to relax. I think it's because that's where most of the product I apply goes. My nape is 3a and processes about the normal time.

Here's the breakdown:

Middle, 4a process time: 7 min
Crown, 3c process time: 10 - 12 min
Nape, 3a/b process time: 10 min

This is going to be a challenge because I do not want to over or under process any section.

I'm so glad I did the strand test (as advised by Shamboosie) because I was afraid that the lye would somehow make my hair bone straight. Nothing could be further from the truth. I believe the lye relaxed my hair better than the no lye ever did. I'll find out later on today, because that's when Phase 2 starts: the actual relaxing process.

I've got all my tools: Vitale Lye relaxer, positive conditioner, neutralizing shampoo, leave in conditioner (Paul Mitchell), and treatment pack. I've got to buy some vaseline to base my scalp but that's about it.

Phase 3 is the styling phase. I'll be blow drying and flat ironing my hair. I havent been straight for an entire month (thanks to my 3 braid out style!:D ) so I'm really excited. I also have reached my next goal of shoulder length. I don't think I'll have to trim as much as I planned because I haven't used heat in a month.

And last but not least, I found a way to get some pics!!! My best friend said that I can take pics with a regular (say, disposable) camera. When I go to develop them, I can get them put on a CD and down load to my computer and then post here on LHCF!! YAY!!! you guys can finally "see" me:)

wish me luck on my first self applied lye relaxer!!!!
Can't wait, I am also toying between phyto and vitale lye.

I am textaxing after 2.5 yrs natural in May.

Would love to see the end result. :)