First salon visit in 2 years!


New Member
Yesterday I went to the salon for the first time in 2 years.This does not include braids or once a year for my b-day. I have been looking for a stylist for the past 6 months. My hair has gotten 2 long for me to perm w/o overlapping. First when I got there, he asked was i on any medications & when was my last perm. I told the meds I take & that I had permed 3 weeks ago. He told me he makes his clients wait a mandatory 8 weeks before he perms(he uses Affirm) He then had his son wash my hair and deep condition w/CPR and S&J. he put me under the dryer for 30 min. His son rinsed me. he then applyied a little olive oil and a leave-in and wrapped me (10 min). He then blow dryed and flat-ironed. He asked who had clipped me ends & all I could do was laugh. He clipped the back because it was uneven. He loves wet-sets & crimp-sets. and guess what, I told him i had recently came out of braids...He said I shoud use care-free curl as a moistuizer! I am so in love! The price is even low $35.00 for a wash & set, conditoner is $10.00 extra. I gave him $35.00 yesterday. I know he is a keeper.

isn't it wonderful when you find a competent stylist who knows about (and practices!) healthy hair care? I'm waiting to one day relay the same experience as yours (still looking....)