First Relaxer Of My Hair Journey! (inc. Pics!)


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies :)

So I just had my first relaxer since I joined the forum in March and started learning about hair care, and wanted to check in!

I still went to the salon for the relaxer - I'd like to learn how to self relax one day but I'm not there yet (if nothing else, I can't even work out how to reach the back). But I did try some of the tips I've learnt on here.

So to start with, before going to the salon I based my scalp with a mix of JBCO and emu oil. I also sprayed silk amino acids (the powder mixed with water) through all of my hair, and put some leave in conditioner through the already relaxed hair. I asked the stylist to use a mild relaxer as I remembered that they used it for a while in my teens and my hair was stronger then - I can't remember why we ever switched back.

For the first time in years, the relaxer finished processing before my scalp had started itching/burning. That never happens to me! The stylist also commented that my hair felt better than usual, and that I had a lot of new growth - I need to thank all of you for that :bighug:

The only negative part of the experience was having the relaxer taken off and the dc put on. They had a very new girl there who managed to get my hair really tangled getting the relaxer out, then combed the conditioner in as though she was raking moss out of a lawn :eek: I didn't dare look in the sink and see how much hair she pulled :(

But I won't dwell...because overall, I'm really pleased with how it went! I still have a long way to go before I'm even close to the beautiful heads of hair I see on here, but I'm encouraged by the progress. For the first time, my hair didn't feel completely flat and limp and pathetic post-relaxer. It still had some body to it, and felt really soft. And it's finally starting to feel longer! It actually feels longer than shoulder length now :p

Ok, I can't figure out how to post more than one picture at a time so will have to reply with more!


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Oh...has anyone else had trouble posting pictures since the update? Some of the photos I wanted to share just won't upload; no idea why as they're all from the same camera, about the same size etc. Ah well...excuse the McGrouch face in the couple that would load!


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Aw thank you everyone! So excited by how much better it's looking.

@tiffers Somewhere in my head I know that, but unfortunately it always feels a few inches shorter than it really is! :confused: