First Relaxer Didn't Work


New Member
I got my first relaxer at the end of May. However it didn't take well. My hair is still a little wavy and frizzy. I used ORS mild. I want it bone staight. With my next relaxer being in Sept do you think it would be a good idea to relax my whole head again. I got a relaxer because I enjoy styling and wearing my hair staight.
Sounds like maybe next time you should use the regular/normal strength of relaxer instead of mild if you are really seeking the bone straight look.
It's a risk if you relax over the previously relaxed hair. Why don't you just flat iron it for 6-8 weeks and then retouch.
my time is that i don't want to have to flat iron my hair everyday when i have a relaxer. when i retouch i'm going to use normal but then my roots will be straight and my hair will be fizzy or wavy. when i wear my hair down at the end of the day it looks like my hair did when i was natural; super fizzy. the relaxer didn't take well because it wasn't strong enough. next time i like i'm going to relax my whole head all over. however i will do my roots first then work the rest of my hair last. i don't know...
You may want to search for the term "corrective". I've seen others say to wait a few weeks before applying a second corrective relaxer.
Were you natural before this relaxer application? If so, you should've went with something stronger :yep:

If the length of your hair is underprocessed, then yes, it will be fine to do a corrective. Just wait about 6-8 weeks before you do it. HTH!
this is what started the problems with my hair. I relaxed it and it wasn't straight enough, then I couldn't stop the split ends, I over-processed it, blah blah blah. Now I use a texturizer and it's just fine. I don't think my hair will ever be bone straight again, but it's straight enough for me. And the texturizer isn't as harsh on my hair. It looks straight, until about week 4, then my wash and go's start looking like wave and go's!
This exact thing happened to me. After almost of growing my hair without a relaxer 2 I tried to relax my hair. I use SE Lye regular. It didn't take at all. My hair was a big poofy mess. It got maybe 50% straight. My hair was hard to manage and was breaking. I waited 7 weeks and got a touch up/corrective done on my whole head. The stylist used Affirm Fiberguard Sensitive Scalp No LYe. My hair straighten better but still didn't get bone straight. It is about 85% now but at least now I can roller set it to get the straight look or to get curls where as before I was left with a mess and could only wear buns. I say wait at least 6 weeks and go to a professional to have them to do a corrective. I am glad I did and my hair has thanked me ever since. HTH