First Hair stalker EVER!!


New Member
BSS today, doing a fruitless SURGE 14 search. Younger woman giving advice loudly to a saleslady....picked up ORS scalp treatment, you know the one with the little brush attached, she explained to the saleslady how brushing the scalp was great for hair growth then discussed jealous stylists who'd whack off long hair for spite. I listened, smiled but kept quiet because she spoke some truth after all. I continued to meander the shelves, she was always near me...I kept returning to the CANTU products...finally bought the bottle of CANTU SHEA DAILY...{great stuff by the way}. I was paying and there she was again! She spoke to me..."Your hair is so nice and moisturized, what do you use?" I stumbled and could only think NEXXUS...she rattled off the NEXXUS products...then said.."Yea, Black people think grease can moisturize but it doesn't; your hair is really nice." I agreed with her about the moisturizers, thanked her for the compliments then left after good-byes. Wow...I felt pleased and so glad for my patience and diligence with my hair care. Her hair? She was very cute with a hoodie covering her hair, all I could see was short natural afro at the front; my hair: single twist french bun with holder...usual work day style. I have a feeling the little one is a lurker here.
Sounds just about right she does sound like she lurks this board! Why didn't you ask her if she was niko's cousin? She sounds like a cousin of niko!
She sounds like a newbie. Possibly a lurker. Anybody older than 1 yr stopped talking to people about black hair a long time ago. One to many yeah-right-whatever looks, or I used to have hair down my back and I cut it (and what? burned it w/ a torch).
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sareca said:
She sounds like a newbie. Possibly a lurker. Anybody older than 1 yr stopped talking to people about black hair a long time ago. One to many yeah-right-whatever looks, or I used to have hair down my back and I cut it (and what? burned it w/ a torch).

What do you mean by this? I'm a little confused...Sorry, I'm slow. :)

ETA: Do you mean that the more experienced members here don't try to school people who are not members of this forum on how to care for hair? If that is what you are talking about, I can totally relate. When people ask me about my hair and I try to tell them what works for me (staying away from grease, heat, etc.) they give me that "chile, please" look. So, I just keep my mouth close and when people ask me what I do to my hair I just say "nothing." It's easier that way. I don't know...I'm willing to share information with other African-Americans on what I have learned from this site about how to care for you hair, but the "outsiders" don't really be feeling me, yo!
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sareca said:
She sounds like a newbie. Possibly a lurker. Anybody older than 1 yr stopped talking to people about black hair a long time ago. One to many yeah-right-whatever looks, or I used to have hair down my back and I cut it (and what? burned it w/ a torch).

yep very very true. those snide comments are so tiring and it's pointless arguing with people about hair cause they'll never change. Cute story though.
sareca said:
She sounds like a newbie. Possibly a lurker. Anybody older than 1 yr stopped talking to people about black hair a long time ago. One to many yeah-right-whatever looks, or I used to have hair down my back and I cut it (and what? burned it w/ a torch).

LOL...Lord knows that's the truth! I don't even go there anymore.