First dry set.....


New Member
And it came out beautiful....
ok I was frustrated with my hair so when I washed it I blowdried (bad girl) and flat ironed my hair Saturday (even badder girl) I bought a ceramic heater (stove like in the shops and some marcels) and I have been hooking it up at the house....well I decided my hair was too flat so I rubbed some Elucence Moisture Balance COnditioner through the length of it and set it and this morning...My hair is soft shiny and full of curls....I think I will start air drying and goign a dry set. I even have body in my hair!!! It is just so shiny (probaly due to the Olive Oil I added to my moisturefuse)I am so excited just had to share!

Toodles! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Congratulations. Isn't it easier to set the hair when its dry? I found that I get a lot less frustrated when I do a dry set versus a wet one. I just can't wait until my Elucence gets here, maybe I can finally get a dry set that lives up to my standards.
It is MMMMUUUCCCHHH easier to do a dry set than a wet set...I love it...looks like I have a fresh perm!
<font color="green">Tonya,

What kind and size rollers did you use for your dry set? I am making a new commitment to rollersetting until my touch-up (mar. 15 or 29). But I'd like to try a dry set on air-dryed hair. When you dry set how long did you leave the rollers in and did you use a hooded dryer?

Sorry for all the questions. /images/graemlins/drunk.gif </font>
Girl why are u apologizing for questions??? That's what we are here for!
Well I rolled the top and the sides on the pink rollers with the snap on top and the back and lower sides on the yellow and black rollers with the snap on top so that my hair will not be tight......
I rolled my hair right before I went to bed and took them down this morning. My hair was not wet it was just a little moist from the EMB....but I recommend this way because it is easier to have straighter roots.
Let me know how it comes out.
I normally, apply something like profective to the ends and a little of the length and roll using the large purple and large gray rollers (no snap ons for these unless you make them yourself.)
I sit under the dryer for about 20-30 minutes until the leave in is dry. I am looking for a different size roller though, I need something large enough for the length of my hair but small enough to still curl it. I am still looking for the rollers recommended by Sweetcocoa.
How lo9ng is your hair? I ahve found that the pink and or red magnetic rollers work good without setting ltoion. They give u a curl but it is not a stiff curl...the curl is loose nad soft holds....
I rubbed Mango Butter thru my hair yesterday before i went to work so my hair alreayd had oil and moisture...thus producing a even lighter curl.
I am gonna post pics soon.
I did the same the last time I set. My hair takes so long to dry. I decided to air dry over night then the next evening I did a dry set using the Elucence also. I had a great set. I've decided to do this more often. Lot's of times I don't set because I don't want to wait for it to dry. But this is perfect.
how are you getting your roots straight? i dont know if i could do a dry set with a lot of new growth. unless of course i flat iron and then roll the hair with rollers. if you hair is dry when you do the set how long does it take for the hair to set? do you use a wet setting lotion (liquid) or a cream one (lotta body cream wrap) or a a leave in? if a leave in do you dilute it? i am sorry for all the questions but last night i took a roller and clipped the ends with bobby pins instead of the clips. i just did it to see how well i could do it with wet hair but honestly wet setting does make me a little uneasy. if i am too slow the hair may dry and how do i keep the ends from getting frizzy. i heard using a silicone based serum would help. i am wondering which one would work best. i am rambling but i would hate to go through all the trouble in trying to get my hair looking good only having it look like a powder puff. God bless you all.
Well I flat ironed my that is how my roots ogt staright but I have certain products liek wild growth and protective that will make my hair dry staright if I pull it back anad let it air dry or sit under a dryer...i used a levae in and i did not dilute it but i did not use mush at all...If i were to use a setting lotion I would use a cremy one because i do not want to get my hair completely wet. I let my hair dry overnight but i do not think it would take more than 30 minutes under the dryer.
The back of my hair is to the middle of my shoulder blades, the sides and front are all one length and come just past my shoulders. At least that is how long it is after I air dry it in the multiple ponytails and roll with the purple and gray rollers. It may be longer because I can never completely do away with shrinkage unless I use an iron of some sort and I haven't used heat on my hair in almost 5 years now so I am afraid, not of what it would do to my hair, but that I would have some freak accident with it and burn off an eyebrow or something. Then I would have to explain to people that I no longer know how to use hair appliances.
I wish I could go that long without heat!!! I love that silky look u get from using heat I am trying to limit my use. I think our hair may be about the same length.

Do u ever roller set into a flip style?