Fire in my Complex - Prayer Request


Well-Known Member
Hello All

Tuesday there was a bad fire in my complex. I live on the 1st floor there was a fire on the 3rd. A few people lost everything. Thank God I lost nothing. It just smells smoky and there was soot on my baseboard on one side of my wall. The stairs are there and most of the smoke went down the stair well. Driving up to my complex after work and seeing the 3rd floor burned out was devasting. There were no fatalaties. A friend of mine lost everything including his cat. :( the fire started next door to him.

To make a long story short. I have to move. I was under the impression that I would move back into my apartment. I was told Thursday that I have to move permantely although there are some coming back to the building. The complex is attempting to find another apartment. There is a lot of drama as many people are displaced.

I had anixiety yesterday morning and today which is something that I have never had.

"In all things give thanks." "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord". "Be anixious for nothing"

I don't know what God is doing but I trust him.

Please pray for my situation, and pray my strength in the Lord. My specific prayer request is... Where my placment is, it will be wnat i what I am pleased with and be even better thatn what I am leaving

I am very tired and exhausted. i will not be on line much untill I am situated. Thanks Ladies.
All things work for the good of those who loves the Lord.

Sis the prayer has gone up. Know that God is in control and has already worked it out.
hello zeal,
i pray that God's give you guidance and direction on moving to
your new location and that favor will be upon you... and all your
needs be met according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Ladies. Thank you so much! I know that God will work it out. I am trying to get rid of this Anxiety. And not be anixious.:p

There is so much drama going on with the manager and the residents of this building that are "displaced".

The police was even called because a guy was laughing at the managers "Demeanor" to keep from going off. She yelled, "Stop laughing at me. You are mocking me. This not funny. If you don't leave I am calling the police" The guy did not leave and the police was called. I stayed until they arrived as a witness that he did not do anything.

A poor resident was yelled at and not allowed to get her passport out of her apartment yesterday and she was going to Cancun today.:( :(

Thanks again for your prayers.

I stopped packing to check theboard.

Back to work!