Finger combing- who does it?

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seconding less breakage = fullness! :)
I use my boar bristle brush before washing to remove the shed hair but my hair will break with almost ANY comb!
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thanks lhcf ladies for this wonderful idea!! i just finished washing my hair and i fingercombed instead of using my normal tools, d3 or jilbere shower comb, and i had less breakage, it took less time to detangle, it was SO easy, and my hair was much fuller, and more defined!!!! YEA!! i'm so happy cuz i was beginning to dread wash days :)
I started finger combing with my Surge/WGO combo a while back. It really helps with breakage close to touch-up time. It also works with a fresh roller set. I never learned to wrap worth a darn and I just started imitating the finger styling at the Domincan salon. I tilt my head back and she sort of finger combs/shimmies through the hair from the roots. Then she wraps some curls around her fingers. It looks thicker that way so I've given up the bone-straight wrap look. It never worked with my hair anyway and I get less breakage.
I do! I started in the shower and during this long transition I have opted to untangle, comb, and bun my hair this way, it's just better for breakage and I get to sneak in a few feels :cool:
I never really thought of doing this but I'm gonna have to try it. It seems no matter how gentle I am with the Jilbere or my bone comb or Denman, I still lose too much hair for my liking when I detangle. And I have to detangle frequently to keep my ends in decent shape so I'm gonna give this a shot.