Finehairs- how do you CHECK your protein/moisture balance?


New Member
I think this question is different for us, since our hair is so delicate, it's hard to tell sometimes.

Personally, I check shed hairs after I rinse out my cowash blend.

I wait for it to dry, pull it, and it should stretch before snapping.
(When I put my fingers about an inch apart and pull, the hair should stretch about a quarter inch.)

If it doesn't stretch, I need to add moisture and assess another shed strand.

If it's too stretchy, I need to add protein and assess again.

How do you know your hair is protein/moisture balanced?
honestly...i can tell when i first wet my hair. After 1 min or so....if my hair instantly gets too mushy or too stretchy..then i know protein cowash is needed. I also can tell my hair's strength by pulling my hair in a ponytail when washing. i do the strand test as well...but these are just quick lazy ways ive learned
honestly...i can tell when i first wet my hair. After 1 min or so....if my hair instantly gets too mushy or too stretchy..then i know protein cowash is needed. I also can tell my hair's strength by pulling my hair in a ponytail when washing. i do the strand test as well...but these are just quick lazy ways ive learned


You can tell exactly what state your hair is in when it is wet, this goes for protein and moisture and even the level of processing (under or over).

Wet your hair. If i goes very mushy pretty quicky or feels super soft to the point that it kinda clumps together, you need protein.

I would also like to add that just because your hair might not feel very soft when wet doesn't always mean you have too much protein. I think we are all used to having our hair feel super soft so when it feels anything but that we freak out. You don't want your hair super soft but you don't want it feeling like cardboard either :lol: In some ways, we all have to reprogram what we think healthy hair feels like but especially for the fine haired chicks, super soft is definitely not it.

BTW....If your hair feels super soft when wet but hard and rough when dry, your cuticle layer is messed up. Do a rinse
I also do the strand test, I run my fingers along the length of the strand and if it does not break and curls up with ease, then I know that my hair is okay.
When my hair feel too too soft when wet, if I pull on it a little bit, comb it and breaks easily - then I need protein...I can definitely tell the difference now since I have increased the protein in my regimen


I would also like to add that just because your hair might not feel very soft when wet doesn't always mean you have too much protein. I think we are all used to having our hair feel super soft so when it feels anything but that we freak out. You don't want your hair super soft but you don't want it feeling like cardboard either :lol: recent months i've been learning this!....i was so used to the 'mushy, very soft'...feeling when wet. And i thought THAT FEELING was right. But it really wasn't. (it meant my moisture/conditioning level was way too high)
Now that i've been up to par with protein:grin:...I see the difference in the way my hair feels when its wet. Its not super soft anymore...but there's a stiffness to it. But a good stiffness...if that makes sense.:look:. it indicates to me that my strength is there.
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I could never figure this out :fishslap:. However, when I started using moisture & protein (Joico DPR & Intense Hydrator) every week my hair began to thrive. It feels very moisturized after rollersets and there is very little breakage.

I :heart2:JOICO

You can tell exactly what state your hair is in when it is wet, this goes for protein and moisture and even the level of processing (under or over).

Wet your hair. If i goes very mushy pretty quicky or feels super soft to the point that it kinda clumps together, you need protein.

I would also like to add that just because your hair might not feel very soft when wet doesn't always mean you have too much protein. I think we are all used to having our hair feel super soft so when it feels anything but that we freak out. You don't want your hair super soft but you don't want it feeling like cardboard either :lol: In some ways, we all have to reprogram what we think healthy hair feels like but especially for the fine haired chicks, super soft is definitely not it.

BTW....If your hair feels super soft when wet but hard and rough when dry, your cuticle layer is messed up. Do a rinse

What kind of rinse?
yeah, no matter how many times i hear this described, i cannot figure it out for the life of me. i know i still need to figure it out because i still sometimes see the little broken hairs. my hair feels so many different ways depending on what oils/conditioners/processes i use.
I guess I know it when my hair is not coming out in my comb.

BTW....If your hair feels super soft when wet but hard and rough when dry, your cuticle layer is messed up. Do a rinse

I've definitely experienced this. But...a rinse with what?
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You can tell exactly what state your hair is in when it is wet, this goes for protein and moisture and even the level of processing (under or over).

Wet your hair. If i goes very mushy pretty quicky or feels super soft to the point that it kinda clumps together, you need protein.

I would also like to add that just because your hair might not feel very soft when wet doesn't always mean you have too much protein. I think we are all used to having our hair feel super soft so when it feels anything but that we freak out. You don't want your hair super soft but you don't want it feeling like cardboard either :lol: In some ways, we all have to reprogram what we think healthy hair feels like but especially for the fine haired chicks, super soft is definitely not it.

BTW....If your hair feels super soft when wet but hard and rough when dry, your cuticle layer is messed up. Do a rinse

I do the wet assessment test as well!

Gym - we would like to know what type of rinse you are talking about...Color Rinse????? Come Back:grin:
I think she may mean an ACV rinse. From what I've read it can help with cuticle/scalp issues, but I would like to know for sure as well lol.
It's tough for me to figure it out until it's too late. So far I haven't had protein overload, but recently figured out that I have been overdoing it on the moisture. I was in the shower the other day and went to comb my tangles and stretch, stretch, stretch like a rubberband, then snap!

Me: :nono:

So, I stepped it up to Nexxus Emergencee once a week (I am transitioning) and picked up some Aveda DR :ohwell:

BTW....If your hair feels super soft when wet but hard and rough when dry, your cuticle layer is messed up. Do a rinse

Yes, Gym means an ACV rinse. Dilute before using - About 1 TBSP per 16oz of water is good. I probably need to do this as well.
Last edited: recent months i've been learning this!....i was so used to the 'mushy, very soft'...feeling when wet. And i thought THAT FEELING was right. But it really wasn't. (it meant my moisture/conditioning level was way too high)
Now that i've been up to par with protein:grin:...I see the difference in the way my hair feels when its wet. Its not super soft anymore...but there's a stiffness to it. But a good stiffness...if that makes sense.:look:. it indicates to me that my strength is there.

This is how I would describe it too.
honestly...i can tell when i first wet my hair. After 1 min or so....if my hair instantly gets too mushy or too stretchy..then i know protein cowash is needed. I also can tell my hair's strength by pulling my hair in a ponytail when washing. i do the strand test as well...but these are just quick lazy ways ive learned

ITA with this post. I can tell as soon as the water hits it. When my hair is craving protein, my boingy curls looks mushy and completely undefined.
I bend my hair. I form it to where it makes a loop, then I push on the loop. If I push it and it bounces back, then I have enough protein. If its mushy, then I need more.

I also do the stretch test.
I bend my hair. I form it to where it makes a loop, then I push on the loop. If I push it and it bounces back, then I have enough protein. If its mushy, then I need more.

I also do the stretch test.

Hm, good idea. I will try this.
So I think I have too much moisture, but when I did a protein treatment with egg, it didn't do anything to my hair at all. coated my hair in egg, olive oil and molasses and left it on for about an hour and let it dry until it was hard. Maybe I need to do a series or something? Once daily until I notice a difference?
I just figured this out.:nono:

After months of using Wen like it was crack, which is ultra moisturizing, I started seeing SHORT hairs in the sink and more long hairs in the comb. Of course, I thought I needed more Wen! :cry: I remember doing the stretch test and my hair stretching A LOT, and for some reason I thought this was good? I rememeber it being very mushy when wet, too.:nono: Too much moisture on fine hair is just sooooooooooo bad.

I had a "DUHH!" moment when I clicked on the "Protien is my friend" thread.

Anyway, I do the stretch test with shed hairs to test now. Too much stretch and I do my Aphogee 2 step treatment and immediately have stronger hair.

ETA: to OP, I think we are hair twins. Your texure sounds just like mine.