Fine or Thin Natural Hair


New Member
Hello All, After years of following I finally joined and need some advice. :grin:

I've worn weaves consistently for 4 years, growing out my hair after my last relaxer in 2006. I am tired of weaves and ready to wear my own hair. I straightened my hair for the first time in a year to see that I have armpit length hair but I have a real hair is really thin!!! past my shoulders my hair feels like nothing lol

When my hair is in its natural state, it has weight and movement but when I straighten, it is really pitiful.

My question is how do you tell the difference between thin hair (that basically needs to be cut off) or fine hair?

Are there any protein treatments that could help?

I appreciate any response to my first post!! :spinning:
Hello All, After years of following I finally joined and need some advice. :grin:

I've worn weaves consistently for 4 years, growing out my hair after my last relaxer in 2006. I am tired of weaves and ready to wear my own hair. I straightened my hair for the first time in a year to see that I have armpit length hair but I have a real hair is really thin!!! past my shoulders my hair feels like nothing lol

When my hair is in its natural state, it has weight and movement but when I straighten, it is really pitiful.

My question is how do you tell the difference between thin hair (that basically needs to be cut off) or fine hair?

Are there any protein treatments that could help?

I appreciate any response to my first post!! :spinning:

If you've been wearing weaves for a while, I think you just need to give your hair some time to "come back to life" as my stylist once said lol.

I find that weaves, while good for retaining length, will thin your hair out over time. Just give it a few some protein treatments. (I use aphogee 2 min reconstructor), deep condition weekly, and definitely don't use heat everyday.

After I took my last (and final) weave out, my hair was so thin. Attached is a pic of how my hair was then (1st pic, Oct 2009) and what it looked like a couple months ago (2nd pic). I'm not sure if you can tell, but it is definitely thicker and friends tell me this all the time.

Also, check out this link




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I'm a fine natural. I've worn wigs for the last four years. I'm done now and I realize that my hair has thinned. Not sure why, but it is what it is. I'm using Nexxus Aloxxi Polymeric (the professional strength of Emergencee) every two weeks. I really like it. It doesn't dry my hair out at all.
My hair is super thin to the point where i'm WL and dont even wear my hair out...

anywho I was in the same boat I got sew in constantly and I will tell u that the constant braiding and tension will thin ur hair out...

please stop the sew in unless ur doing them...the reason I said STOP is b/c most stylist are going to braid ur hair tight for the style to last

opt for a lace front...u can take it off at night and under it u dont have to do cornrows...I do 4 plaits...

My question is how do you tell the difference between thin hair (that basically needs to be cut off) or fine hair?:spinning:

Fine hair is in regards to hair strand size: Fine, Normal, Coarse

Thin hair is in regards to total density of all of your hair: Thin, Normal, Thick

HTH :yep:
Thanks for the tips ladies!!!! I am definitely going to stop and give my hair some serious attention. Now I'm just trying to decide if I should just cut off the thin ends or wait it out?

I really appreciate all the responses
I am in the same boat, a weave weaver for 2 years..natural...odd that I thinned but I am not wearing the weaves and plan to go thru the akward hair stage until my strands thicken...research and popular demand say that Mega Tek and JBCO help thicken strands....with any new product do your research....consistency counts.

I also cut off the 2-3 inches of thin hair, evened my strands and learning to love JUST my OWN HAIR! Be patiend and consistent your hair will bounce back in know time. Also try bantu knots, roller sets, braid outs, flexi rods along the way...low maintenance, protective and give the appearance of fuller hair. I also seem to think black hair appears thicker than my natural sandy brown. HTH.
Wish I could be of more help. I have both fine strands and low density. I still haven't excepted my hair completely. I have learned some great camouflaging techniques to make my hair look fuller. I also do periodic protein treatments. I want to start cassia soon to help get sturdier strands.
I have thin hair and the weaves will thin it out even more if i continually do it. I weaved my hair in october for a vacation and took it down but i don't think it will be weaved up again until my next vacation and only for that reason. Other than that its under wigs in big braids.