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Is it just me or does AIRDYING = BREAKAGE? I normally rollerset my hair, but today I decided to spare the heat. I co-washed, DCed, and applied my leave-in. I waited until my hair was 90% dry and I applied ORS Olive Oil, sealed with Castor oil and braided my hair in 4 parts. THRU OUR THIS PROCESS I SAW MORE BREAAGE THAN USUAL!

I just got over my breakage issue and lately while rollersetting, i see little to no breakage. But tonight I saw so much breakage I dont think i'll airdry again! Anyone else experienced this?
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Hey Wonder Woman.....

I get breakage from air drying too. I roller sat my hair last night and it air dried. I sat under the the dryer this morning before taking the rollers out for about 10 minutes. Even when I rollerset, I get more breakage from air drying. I can't just comb my hair and let it air dry:nono::nono::nono: I lost so much hair trying to do the air drying thing since heat is terrible for the hair and it made my problems worse. I already have porosity issues and air drying just made it worse.
If I airdry I look like a giant haystack and if I try to comb it I can hear the crackle of breaking strands.

I hate that sound! :burning:
air drying was really hard on my hair. i tried it when i was new and it took me a minute to realize that i lost alot of length and i am still trying to recover. all the things mentioned on this board are not good for us fine hair'd sistas, for that matter everythang aint for everybody.:nono:
I know what you mean. Before I joined the forum, I would co-wash, single braid and keep my hair moist during the day with sta-sof-fro, and had NO breakage and my hair grew like crazy. I joined the forum, read how air drying was the bomb, and sta-sof-fro sucks, and tried to air dry without my sta-sof-fro---breakage all over the place.

I have learned that if I don't care about style (single braid tucked under), I can air dry without significant breakage only if I keep my hair moist with some type of mist until I wash it again. It's as if my hair NEEDS heat to prevent breakage, so the only way I can have any style without losing a lot of hair is to rollerset it with heat....and even THAT causes breakage, too, only not as much as air drying.

The ONLY time I have no breakage is when my stylist blowdries and flat irons my hair.....:rolleyes: hmm. I wonder what that means....
At Gymfreak: Hey Big Sis!

Yeah. I think I'll just stick to heat. Looking at all the little pieces on the floor is aggravating.....all my hard work! I'll stick to roller setting or at least a wet wrap under my hooded dryer.

Any other fine haired sistas dealing with this? :drunk:
I thought it was just me! I lost a lot of hair to airdrying. I figured that out a little late though. I had to cut off about 3-4 inches. I'm back at the beginning. At least now I know. Rollersets work better for me.
I don't have problems air drying and I have really fine hair that's 4a-4z lol.

I do use Nexxus Emergencee weekly/biweekly and that's stopped my breakage cold. I make sure to use a moisturizing conditioner and it's been going pretty well. I don't manipulate my hair alot when air-drying. I add my leave ins, detangle, slap in pig tails after adding my oils, then I saturate the tails with castor oil, pin and leave alone. When/if I decide to comb (I wear wigs) I take my time to detangle in sections. When I do this, my hair is soft. I think it's important to tweak what you do because everything won't work for everyone. I came up with this because when I would do what other ladies did I had breakage. My hair needed a heavier oil during the fall and winter. During the summer I can get away with coconut and evoo.

When I use heat (blow dryer) I use a cool setting until my hair is 90% dry. That way it's not smoking or whatever. It's still slightly moist and I can add my products then seal with oil. I think that alot of folks think the hotter the better but you really don't need heavy heat to dry or straighten all types of hair. The same is true when I flat iron, I use a low setting with heat protectant... (I love chi silk infusion and keratin mist)

That's it. I'm going to go wait for my coffee to kick in. Hope this made sense. If following something that I recommended caused breakage to anyone I'm sorry. Listen to your hair and if if you decide to try it again, tweak it so it's what your hair needs.
i air dry, but once im in the shower i do all of my major combing, under the shower. Then when i get out, i no longer have to comb, i just apply my moisture products from roots to tip, and place it in a ponytail to dry. No breakage...OUR HAIR + DRY COMBING=BREAKAGE....
Oh, also, I am learning that there is a FINE line (pun intended) for my moisture/protein balance situation. Literally one wrong product on wash day and hair all over that damn floor...:wallbash: ESPECIALLY with rollersets, which are supposed to be our friend...(If I am not careful, I can still lose more hair doing that than when I blowdry/flat iron)

It's a good thing I am slightly OCD and obsessed with the details or I would've never figured it out. :spinning:
I used to get breakage when airdrying but don't anymore. What I do is rub a small amount of conditioner in my hands and rub it onto my hair as though it were a "hair gloss." I do this while it is still wet, I do it again when it is slightly damp. This helps keep my hair from breaking. I don't think it is a good idea if you are going to use heat though.

Also oils do not agree with my hair. I learned that it gets either crunchy or stuck together when I use certain oils. The only time I use oil now is if it is in henna, or mixed in a conditioner wash or if it is pure jojoba oil..

Oh, also, I am learning that there is a FINE line (pun intended) for my moisture/protein balance situation. Literally one wrong product on wash day and hair all over that damn floor...:wallbash: ESPECIALLY with rollersets, which are supposed to be our friend...(If I am not careful, I can still lose more hair doing that than when I blowdry/flat iron)

It's a good thing I am slightly OCD and obsessed with the details or I would've never figured it out. :spinning:

YES!!! You are in my head right now....One wash is all it takes :nono::nono:

Most of my conditioners now are kinda a balance between moisture and protein for this very reason.
i air dry, but once im in the shower i do all of my major combing, under the shower. Then when i get out, i no longer have to comb, i just apply my moisture products from roots to tip, and place it in a ponytail to dry. No breakage...OUR HAIR + DRY COMBING=BREAKAGE....

This is pretty much what I do. Detangle in shower, apply leave in, put my hair in 1 twist and then leave it alone. I would never attempt to comb air-dryed hair. :nono: The only time I comb is if my hair has been rollerset, so it's smooth & tangle-free.