Fine hair = Fragile hair???


Well-Known Member
I know our hair is the most fragile but I often feel that my hair is even more fragile then that of others.
Heat once a month is def. going on my limits and that's why I don't plan to straighten it anytime soon.
Even as a natural that just got her braids redone, washed,conditioned once a month my hair barely made it the bottom of my neck.

Others here are growing their hair while doing rollersets weekly or bi-weekly while I know this would be murder for me and my hair.:nono:
Anyone else out there?

Btw this is not a rant thread,my hair is growing since my favorite style is my bun anyways I'm just wondering if my fellow fine haired ladies have similar problems?
i've got fine strands, and it feels like my hair's really fragile sometimes. i really don't like combing it at all, because i don't want any hair coming off in the comb.

that's why i love my low/no manipulation styles. i've started rollersetting with the tiny blue and yellow rollers, and i don't comb out the curls, so it lasts longer and looks fuller. anything i can do to stay away from the blowdryer is a must :)
Hey Ella

I rollerset twice a week and I haven't had any problems. How does your hair respond to stuff like that?
:) I don't subscribe to the belief that our hair is inherently more fragile, but I find I don't have any other OPTION but to treat my hair like antique lace if I want to retain all of my growth...
I manipulate once every two weeks as it is right now vs. the once a week I've been doing, and I think that will make a huge difference in my growth this year.
I find that it being slightly OVER-moisturized helps as well - my hair needs the extra 'give' in order to be more forgiving.
Henna has been an out and out lifesaver - it provides extra thickness without being hard....
Hey Ella

I rollerset twice a week and I haven't had any problems. How does your hair respond to stuff like that?
I just had two rollersets and my hair did not feel *right*.
It felt roughed up and it doesn't like being pulled and stretched.
That's why I just slightly comb it when it's fully wet but do most of my detangling now when it's damp so I can feel when I'm stretching it too much:yep:

pookie I love lo-mani styles too but rollersets are a bit too much tension for my hair.
I will order some flexirods tough and attempt a flexi rod set ala dsylla on dry/damp hair.

nappywomyn I understand what you mean completly,with all the stuff we put our hair through it's no wonder it seems more fragile then that of other races.Still I have to treat it a certain way to gain length.
Hm...... I might have to look into Henna but I don't want to loose my natural coloring
I just had two rollersets and my hair did not feel *right*.
It felt roughed up and it doesn't like being pulled and stretched.
That's why I just slightly comb it when it's fully wet but do most of my detangling now when it's damp so I can feel when I'm stretching it too much:yep:

pookie I love lo-mani styles too but rollersets are a bit too much tension for my hair.
I will order some flexirods tough and attempt a flexi rod set ala dsylla on dry/damp hair.

nappywomyn I understand what you mean completly,with all the stuff we put our hair through it's no wonder it seems more fragile then that of other races.Still I have to treat it a certain way to gain length.
Hm...... I might have to look into Henna but I don't want to loose my natural coloring

I gotcha, I can understand that. Its easy to go overboard by accident when wet.
nappywomyn I understand what you mean completly,with all the stuff we put our hair through it's no wonder it seems more fragile then that of other races.
Still I have to treat it a certain way to gain length.
Hm...... I might have to look into Henna but I don't want to loose my natural coloring

:lol: Gurl, you would be SUPRISED at all that those 'other races' have to go through - I got the antique lace line from a white girl, so don't believe the hype that 'they' have such an easy time growing it, either.

And as dark as your hair is, it'll take a while for henna's coloring to show up, because it's a cellophane dye. I've been henna'ing my hair for well over a year now, and it's just NOW getting reddish highlight easily visible to the naked eye.
:lol: Gurl, you would be SUPRISED at all that those 'other races' have to go through - I got the antique lace line from a white girl, so don't believe the hype that 'they' have such an easy time growing it, either.

And as dark as your hair is, it'll take a while for henna's coloring to show up, because it's a cellophane dye. I've been henna'ing my hair for well over a year now, and it's just NOW getting reddish highlight easily visible to the naked eye.
True my SIL flatirons daily and wonders why her hair won't grow past APL:perplexed

Actually my hair changes colors alot,it can look almost orangy brown when I'm outside... I kinda like that I'm afraid of having *roots* lol
My hair is fragile too. :ohwell: I think the reason why they say our hair is most fragile even though it looks tough is because they say each bend/turn in a curl/kink is a weakened point. So if you're combing it, there's more than one place it could break. Whereas with straight hair it's just one whole piece.
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