Finding Blond hairs?


New Member
I have a mysterious problem maybe do to age? I am discovering very fine blond/platinum hairs in my hair! it is not grey I have showed family and they think i'm a freak. Usually the hairs are all blond, sometimes there is segments of blond, I find long hairs and short hairs. Could be age? I'm 35, mind you folks in my family do not really go gray, silver etc. My granny on mothers side is 85 she has very few grew, my home is 56 she has a few. My granny on my fathers side is platinum and she is 95 her platinum hair just occured a couple years ago. Maybe supplements? I take alot of things. Maybe stress can do this(fiance called of wedding). So yes I do have stress.
I have a few too. , i found them because the light made them shine. I pull them:look:. I had one hair where the color had skipped like black, platinum, black like it could not make up its mind. Im 30 it may be stress op different factors can play a role. I just noticed them in the past few months.
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I find them from time to time. I pluck them immediately :yep:

I think you just have the odd blonde hair... nothing wrong with it. I have blonde arm hair. It's just a little genetic zinger.

This reminds me of non-black people who find the occasional kinky hair in their head. :lol:
i thought i was finding blonde hairs, but they were actually white. i've got about 4 of them (that i can see) so far. 22 years old and i'm already starting to salt and pepper. :nono: :lol:

all my hairs are fine, though. i wonder if people with fine hair grey earlier than coarse haired folk? :scratchch
i thought i was finding blonde hairs, but they were actually white. i've got about 4 of them (that i can see) so far. 22 years old and i'm already starting to salt and pepper. :nono: :lol:

all my hairs are fine, though. i wonder if people with fine hair grey earlier than coarse haired folk? :scratchch

I found my first gray hair earlier this year *sob*

I'm 24, but I have coarse hair. I don't think it's uncommon. Don't worry :)

The blonde hairs are fine though. They were usually near my hairline. I haven't seen one of those for a while... not since I was texlaxed.
Nothing to worry about. I have them and always have. I also have blonde hairs on my legs, arms, and around my hair line (especially in the summer). Just one of those things...
ETA: OP they may definitely be stress related. i went through a rough time a few months ago, got very little sleep, didn't eat well, and was generally down in all aspects of my life. during that time, i noticed a couple of hairs growing in totally white from the roots. since my life's calmed down, they've started growing in their normal color again. once the stress passes, your color may return. i hope everything works out; time heals all wounds *hugs*
Are the hairs blond or white?
White hair is common at this age, I have around 30% white hair now :)

I'm really sorry about the called off wedding :sad:

I do think stress can speed up the white hair process.
thanks all for the responses :) I guess its somewhat normal then lol. I know it started after the break off sigh. I will get over it, one day lol.