Financial/Investment Forum


Well-Known Member
Would it be possible to have a financial/investment/money forum added? With all of this 12dailypro hoopla, it seems that many of use are interested in making money. So once the money is made - what do we do with it? I am guessing many have problems saving and investing. So lets have a forum to share ideas and knowledge. Let's talk financial empowerment!
I think that's a great idea, it was suggested awhile ago but the request wasn't granted....I visit other hair forums that have finance forums and found them very helpful ;)
That's a great idea. I like hearing from, getting advice from folks like me. I'm sure a lot of ladies know a lot. We just need a proper place to share what we know. I'd like to come here to get that kind of info from ladies I am already familiar with and can trust.
I like this idea too. As long as people know that this is just for the exchange of information. I was thinking about this a few months back. It is a way to exchange information and to network. I am interested in finding an investment club in my area but do not know how to find one. I am also interested in investing in very good no-load growth mutual funds and I want to connect with other financial savvy women. Unless we read and exchange info. ourselves, I have learned that people aren't always so willing to share this type info. Please consider. This is a great opportunity because we have such vast differences in ages and I beleive the younger you are the better it is to learn about financial empowerment. Thanks for listening and considering.:)
I think it's a good idea. I have been hesitant to start new threads in the Off Topic Section about 12dp and autosurfing because I didn't want the people who are not interested in the program to get pissed about wading through all the autosurfing threads. The OT section has so many different topics going on I didn't want people to feel we were dominating the section with the autosurf info.
Cherokee said:
Would it be possible to have a financial/investment/money forum added? With all of this 12dailypro hoopla, it seems that many of use are interested in making money. So once the money is made - what do we do with it? I am guessing many have problems saving and investing. So lets have a forum to share ideas and knowledge. Let's talk financial empowerment!

I agree, if we can have a forum to discuss frivolous topics such as entertainment and gossip, surely we could have a discussion about what affects us and those who come after us daily: finances. If it is a matter of liabilty, a disclaimer statement stating that the forum is strictly for information exchange and the site or individuals are not held accountable will be helpful and advisable. Just a thought...;)
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Ladies who are interested, even just for browsing a "financial thread", please post here. I think the Mods may consider it if enough interest is shown. I mean com'n now. The thread about 'Monastat and Hair Growth' got so many views that it was ridiculous! I know no one here wants to be living on the curb with ankle length hair This thread would focus on money whether it be which local banks in your area offers the highest percentage rate to homebuying to 401K to credit unions.
I agree with all of you and it would definitely better to share with those who you've already been communicating with. There is a certain "comfort" level.
It would be nice to have a financial section, all the 12dpro threads are starting to take over off-topic. Obviously there is great interest in money-making so this would probably be beneficial.

Just a suggestion...could it be financial and career related? I think they can go hand-in-hand and there are often questions on careers and jobs also.
Excellent idea IMO. A disclaimer would eliminate liability, and the thread would be helpful to so many ladies.
And yes, the 12dp talk in OT is gettin heavy and folks will probably start gettin annoyed with that if they haven't already. I for one enjoy it b/c I'm trying to get on the autosurfing bandwagon, but I really do think a section dedicated to finances would be in order for a board populated with such intelligent and aware women.
I agree with Cincy as advice would also be helpful for ladies looking to network.
Cherokee said:
Would it be possible to have a financial/investment/money forum added? So lets have a forum to share ideas and knowledge. Let's talk financial empowerment!

Good idea, I'd certainly be interested if this is implemented.:)
It'd be a good idea, considering the recent explosion of autosurfing threads. This way, they'd all stay grouped together.

The credit rating improvement thread could be pinned at the top of it.
Hey, maybe in adjunction to our hair club meetings we could develop investment clubs like the Beardstown Ladies' (Good read- Beardstown Ladies' Common-Sense Investment Guide- can check it out at the library or purchase it . I found mine at a used bookstore for 4 bucks) I don't now about anyone else but I am looking for ways to make my money work for me and not me working for it ;) .
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