Finally! Someone Interested in Hair Care!!!!


New Member
Ever since I started my hair journey, I have honestly been dying for someone to teach what I learned. I love hair, so I want to help someone else grow out their hair.

Well, I tried to teach my little sister how to take care of her hair. Unfortunately, she hates her natural texture, would rather flat iron it everyday, and said to me, "It's just hair". The three hardest words for me to hear. *sniffle*

Well, finally, someone showed in interest in growing their hair long and care it takes to get it there. But, uh, who it was is what shocked me.

It was baby brother!

Yesterday, I was out with him and my mother to help them get ready for college this summer. After my brother saw this guy with pressed hair that was a little bit below shoulder, he would NOT stop asking me hair care questions, lol.

He already has a BAA, so I am not 100% sure just how long he wants to grow it. I think his hair stretched is probably somewhere between SL and APL and is the thickest head of hair I have ever witnessed in my life! When his back is to you, he looks like a walking afro.:lachen:

Hopefully, I can persuade him to let me take a picture, so y'all can see.