Finally paid the $6.50 after stalking a year


Active Member
I finally decided to subscribe after a year plus of stalking. I'm still trying to figure out how to do pics, but I'll get them up. Not trying to get a beat down via internet. I got scared straight from the dance off thread so there will be no post without pictures. I don't want any :whipped: or :boxing: to happen.

Right now I'm texlaxed SL in the back and CBL in the front. I would probably be closer to APL, but I kept flat ironing my hair every week and wearing it out when I first started my HJ :wallbash:. My hair was uneven in length and thickness. I'd relax every 6 weeks, run it through my whole head for 20 minutes. Water would only touch my hair when I washed out the relaxer. As dumb as this sounds I always thought conditioner and heat protector was just another way to make you spend money. Yet I'd dish out about $8 for some Dr. Miracle:rolleyes:.

My pjism is coming back slowy. It's mostly with conditoner (20 bottles) because I love my hair smelling nice and not like grease any more. I went to Sally's last week to get some PC. Instead I walked out with GVP CSI, 2 packs of flexi rods. Instead of getting the PC, which I had in my hand, I saw some Argan oil at the register and got that instead. I spent $40 on what should have been a $10 trip max.

I just want to thank each one of you ladies. Had it not been for this site and you guys I'd been an even hotter mess in about 2 years. Probably would have ended up looking like kayex's siggy :blush: :grin:. Sorry I can't get my sigi picture bigger, for some reason I can't get the link to work right.

The last two photos are of my mom and her afro that I've been wanting to post since Mwedzi's parents wedding party pics.
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Welcome, Slinkyoreo16! You mentioning the "Dance Off" thread made me bust out laughing :lachen:Glad you didn't miss that one! :grin: CLASSIC!
Yea I was a lurker for over a year....I've learned a lot and am still learning from these ladies. They are wonderful!

:welcome: hair sista! :lachen:
Welcome! Thanks for the pictures. I'm :lol: because you were afraid of a dance off. Sorry. :(

Your mommy has a nice afro. What is she holding in that last picture, a cat?
Welcome! Thanks for the pictures. I'm :lol: because you were afraid of a dance off. Sorry. :(

Your mommy has a nice afro. What is she holding in that last picture, a cat?

Don't be sorry, I thought it was a funny thread. But boy some people in there went for the throat.Poranges and a few others don't play :lachen:. Thank you for the compliment on my mom's fro. I need to get her senior picture, it was bigger. She's holding a puppy in her arms on the last one.
I finally decided to subscribe after a year plus of stalking. I'm still trying to figure out how to do pics, but I'll get them up. Not trying to get a beat down via internet. I got scared straight from the dance off thread so there will be no post without pictures. I don't want any :whipped: or :boxing: to happen.

Right now I'm texlaxed SL in the back and CBL in the front. I would probably be closer to APL, but I kept flat ironing my hair every week and wearing it out when I first started my HJ :wallbash:. My hair was uneven in length and thickness. I'd relax every 6 weeks, run it through my whole head for 20 minutes. Water would only touch my hair when I washed out the relaxer. As dumb as this sounds I always thought conditioner and heat protector was just another way to make you spend money. Yet I'd dish out about $8 for some Dr. Miracle:rolleyes:.

My pjism is coming back slowy. It's mostly with conditoner (20 bottles) because I love my hair smelling nice and not like grease any more. I went to Sally's last week to get some PC. Instead I walked out with GVP CSI, 2 packs of flexi rods. Instead of getting the PC, which I had in my hand, I saw some Argan oil at the register and got that instead. I spent $40 on what should have been a $10 trip max.

I just want to thank each one of you ladies. Had it not been for this site and you guys I'd been an even hotter mess in about 2 years. Probably would have ended up looking like kayex's siggy :blush: :grin:. Sorry I can't get my sigi picture bigger, for some reason I can't get the link to work right.

The last two photos are of my mom and her afro that I've been wanting to post since Mwedzi's parents wedding party pics.

Whew girl I'm glad to see pics!:lachen: WELCOME!!:grin: