Finally my own fotki


New Member

So i finally added some pics...please excus my laziness:lol: anyway i just got kinky twist but i didn't take pics yet too r pics of my hair airdried and or blow dried...even though yes i am off of heat for now i blow dried so the people could do my braids correctly and that is a story in itself anyway this is my start...hopefully i will have beautiful progress like the rest of u ladies and when i come out of these briads i will be doing the bc(hopefully)
Congrats to you!!! These pics are a great start for your Fotki.

I might need to buck up and start myself...:lol: pledge to take better care of your hair and stay with the ladies on the forum and a year from now you'll have a whole new head of hair.

ETA: Not to call her our or anything...but Mystic has had some AMAZING progress...I would look at her album for inspiration...I know I do.