Finally, I did it....


Don't worry be happy
....A rollerset decent enough to step out the house with. I started a thread a few days ago about my usual dry, dull rollersets. Took your tips about the leave-in and nixed the setting lotion, y'all were right I don't even need it. Used Salerm21 leave-in and fantasia IC serum (pink), dried under a hooded dryer. My hair is soft and has a nice shine.

Wanted to share the finished product, and say thank you for the helpful suggestions :yep:

My nape area looks frizzy 'cause it was way too short to put on even the tiny um I kinda just left it out...:look: :lachen:It's still really soft tho. I bought those wrap paper things so I can mold it smooth next time.
Wow that looks really good. What is it that you did again to get these great results?

Thanks! On freshly washed hair:

1.A nickel sized amount of Salerm 21 leave-in and then the same amount of fantasia IC serum (pink bottle).

2. Kept my hair really wet with a spray bottle w/ water, set my hair on medium/small magnetic rollers (I think the wetter and tighther the hair is on the roller, the better),

3. Sat under a hooded dryer.