Well today, after stretching for 7 months, I went and got a touch up. My stylist, Enchantra, didn't bat an eyelash when she saw my crazy new growth. I got about an inch cut off so it's slightly shorter than the last time I touched up (it grew to almost bsl).
Attaching a "before" and "after". Not sure if the before shows the craziness of the new growth but it was like a jungle in there! The longest I'd ever gone was 3. I will probably not do a stretch this long again, keep it to 5 month max.
Attaching a "before" and "after". Not sure if the before shows the craziness of the new growth but it was like a jungle in there! The longest I'd ever gone was 3. I will probably not do a stretch this long again, keep it to 5 month max.