Finally got onto youtube


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies

It's been such a long time coming:look:, but I finally made it onto youtube. I've been trying since last year, but DH busted up the laptop that had video editing software on it. Then got a rude awakening, when I found out that our desktop didn't have firewire installed, so I could not upload any films:perplexed

So, after much research, got all the parts needed and got DH to install onto the desktop.

Anyways, here is my first video for you to check out

Please go easy, it's my first one, so I'm still learning:grin:
Comments and subscriptions most welcome:yep:
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Welcome to YT!! I Subbed, could I get a sub back?? Im still learning as well but its really fun once you get the hang of it.
Nice video for it to be your first one. It's definitely a learning experience. I would love to have your hair thickness.

Sorry, just seeing this. My subscription to lhcf expired, then after reactivating, I had to do a search for this thread, because I didn't subscribe to it.

Any way, just to say thank you for your support. More videos coming soon:yep: