Well as you ladies know there have been a lot of threads going around about flakes, esp for relaxed ladies. For the past few months mines have spun out of control. I mean the day after wash day, I am embarrassed to leave the house. . Well remember the coconut oil/ tea tree oil como that worked for me earlier this year? Well, that lasted a good two months. I tried it again and it was not helping. So I thought to myself, Im def keeping the tea tree oil in the mix since it is anti fungal, but what oil should I use? I decided on jojoba since it is close to our natrual sebrum. Would you believe it worked so well! I wash once a week and used it 3 times and no itches or corn flakes!!! I got a small applicator bottle and mixed 2 pts tea tree oil 1 pt jojoba oil and apply using the tip of the applicatior bottle and massage into the scalp. Not a flake in sight