Finally got an album started!!!

Hey you guys, i just got my album started and i wanted to know what you guys thought. I'm so excited!!! Anyway i would write my regimen but i'm still a little shaky on it.
-wash weekly
-deep condition
-leave ins (i'm trying to narrow it down to like 3, maybe 4)
-moisturize at least once if not twice daily

Hey, if you have any hints that will help me get rid of the dryness for the winter let me know. I add honey and oils to my conditioners but nothing has really helped so far. I did wanna try a pre poo so if anyone has a good pre poo that has worked for extreme dryness cases:lachen: let me know!!
Can't wait for your responses
Hey, your pics are so nice and your hair is a great length. I'm sure you will grow to the length you desire in no time.