Finally got a new camera...What is my length


New Member
Hey Ladies,
I finally purchased a new camera and I am ready for judgement:yep::yep:
Please tell me my length...I'm thinking SL but my hair is so uneven the nape is probably NL
Please let me know what you think


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Thank you everyone....I know I should not put a time frame on my hair but just out of curiosity how long should it approx take to reach APL?
Thank you everyone....I know I should not put a time frame on my hair but just out of curiosity how long should it approx take to reach APL?

That depends. How long did it take for your to get to your current length? You should measure the space between you hair and your armpit--that's how many inches you have until APL. Generally hair grows about .5 inch a month.
I would say definitely a little past should length, but I think if you get it trimmed even it would grow in faster and more even. But all in all it is beautiful and very healthy looking!
Shoulder length

As far as reaching APL, that would depend on your hair. I would guess another 6 months, but everyone's hair grows/retains differently. HHG!