Finally coming out of the closet aka computer!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies,

I just wanted to say thank you for having such a wonderful board. :) I don't even remember how I came across it but I'm glad I did. I've been watching and using your tips for over a year now. I'm an avid fan of anything that has to do with hair. I even love your tips so much I'm passing them along to all of my friends. I'm even helping a few of them grow there hair out. But here's a llittle about me:

4a/b relaxed
I used the Crown and Glory method w/ weaves and indivdual braids
stylist (my aunt) perms my hair every six months- I love her b/c she listens
starting length- was above my ear
lenghth now- bottom of my neck
long term goal-healthy full bra strap length hair
kandegirl said:
Hello ladies,

I just wanted to say thank you for having such a wonderful board. :) I don't even remember how I came across it but I'm glad I did. I've been watching and using your tips for over a year now. I'm an avid fan of anything that has to do with hair. I even love your tips so much I'm passing them along to all of my friends. I'm even helping a few of them grow there hair out. But here's a llittle about me:

4a/b relaxed
I used the Crown and Glory method w/ weaves and indivdual braids
stylist (my aunt) perms my hair every six months- I love her b/c she listens
starting length- was above my ear
lenghth now- bottom of my neck
long term goal-healthy full bra strap length hair

Wow, Great regimen. I'm trying to relax at least every 6 months myself. Welcome to the board.