Finally an Update. Lots of pics inside!!

I was wondering how things were going for you. Thanks to your excellent info I joined LHCF in 2005. You've done a great job. I know new patrons will be tearing down your doors:yep::yep:
Hi Don'tSpeak! It has been awhile. Your hair is really growing. You'll be back where you were in no time. When I first joined the boards you were my very first inspiration.
Your hair looks so beautiful. Thank you for being so inspirational to the ladies that come here with short hair. We now believe that our hair can grow too.
Great progress! Your hair grows fast, i hope you keep the scissors away for a while.
Thanks. So far so good on the scissors. I only had one trim in the past year and I don't plan on cutting it again for another 9 months to a year. I will be in weaves for another year.