Finally a grateful member! Pic heavy


Embracing happiness
Hi ladies!

So after some SERIOUS lurking for 6 months, I finally paid my dues and am a full-fledged member. After reading the infamous "Threads we can live without in 2011" (which was definitely one of my favorite reads, lol) I am completely up to speed on lhcf etiquette. So, I know to keep this short, sweet, and full of PICTURES!

Here goes:

So here is where I started, Sept 2010, the second line is APL


After locking down a regimen and some HARDCORE protective styling (bunning) I made APL in December 2010. This photo was taken Dec 22, 2010 about 1 week post relaxer:


I was happy with my progress, but being my greedy self, I wanted MORE. I was soooo inspired by Njoy's progress with her sulfur regimen. So in December, I began taking 1000 mg of Powdered MSM daily as well as massaging MSM powder, tea tree oil, and olive oil into my scalp nightly. I saw amazing results. This is my new growth at only 5 WEEKS POST:


Here is a better picture of it:


I had a fresh relaxer yesterday, which was about 9 weeks after my last relaxer. This picture was taken yesterday:


And here is my hair relative to my bra strap. I took this picture today. My lead hairs are touching my bra strap =)


And that's all I got :yep: Hope you enjoyed!
Wait..NO LOOOOONG A$$ intro...telling me about ur hair thru childhood and the ups and downs of ur hair journey...AWWWW BOOO...:nono:

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Wait..NO LOOOOONG A$$ intro...telling me about ur hair thru childhood and the ups and downs of ur hair journey...AWWWW BOOO...:nono:

Lol, nooo none of that, soooooo sorry to disappoint! Haha And thanks for the welcome =)
Welcome mscheergrl!!! It looks like you lurked in the right threads because your progress is great and your intro was just the way I like it....a few words and a lot of pics!
what's the ratio for your sulfur mix?
sulfur reggie?
regular reggie?


nice hair!!!
Heyy =)

Thanks for the compliment!

Sulfur mix:

*1 oz powdered MSM, 3 oz tea tree oil, 3 oz olive oil -- I apply it nightly 3-4 nights a week, massage it into my scalp for 10 min in a circular motion
* I also take 1000 mg of powdered MSM daily

Regular Reggie:

My hair craves nothing but moisture so:

*I dc on dry hair 1X a week with ORS mayo
*Shampoo 1X a week with NTM moisturizing shampoo
*Condition after the shampoo with NTM deep conditioning conditioner
*Only detangle on wash day with my Tangle Teezer (love it!! )
*Mostly air dry and bun, will flat iron like once every month and a half ish
*moisturize with NTM leave in and seal with olive oil nightly
*Exercise and eat well
ETA: relax every 7-8 weeks

I love NTM and I find that I get the best results when I use the whole line. Idk why =)
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great progress and great post!!!

even though that thread went poof it looks as if it did some good

*RIP 2011 thread and breast milk for growth thread* (pours out some liquor)