Fia's Hairtyping System


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Fia\'s Hairtyping System

For all those who find Andre's system limiting, here is Fia's. It is an expansion of Andre's. It looks like she is at the longhairloom now.

Fia's Hairtyping System
by Ann-Sofie Henriksson
Contact information: [email protected])

First classifier - Your curliness (or lack thereof)
The straight ones
1a - stick straight
1b - straight but with a slight body wave, just enough to add some volume, doesn't look wavy
1c - straight with body wave and one or two visible S-waves (e.g. nape of neck or temples)

The wavy ones
2a - loose, stretched out S-waves throughout the hair
2b - shorter, more distinct S-waves (similar to waves from braiding damp hair)
2c - distinct S-waves and the odd spiral curl forming here and there

The curly ones
3a - big, loose spiral curls
3b - bouncy ringlets
3c - tight corkscrews

The really curly ones
4a - tightly coiled S-curls
4b - tightly coiled hair bending in sharp angles (Z-pattern)

Second classifier - What (most of) your individual strands look like

F - Fine
Thin strands that sometimes are almost translucent when held up to the light. Shed strands can be hard to see even against a contrasting background. Similar to hair found on many people of Scandinavian descent.

N - Normal
Strands are neither fine nor coarse. Similar to hair found on many Caucasians.

C - Coarse
Thick strands that where shed strands usually are easily identified against most backgrounds. Similar to hair found on many people of Asian, Hispanic or native American descent.

Third classifier - Your overall volume of hair
Put your hair in a ponytail with as much hair as possible in it. Don't bother with the way it looks - the goal is to have most/all of your hair in there. If it means it sits smack dab on top of your head, put it there.

Measure the circumference of the ponytail. If you have bangs and/or you can't get all of your hair in there adjust according to how much of your hair you have measured.

i - thin (less than 2 inches/5 centimeters)
ii - normal (between 2-4 inches or 5-10 centimeters)
iii - thick (more than 4 inches/10 centimeters)

If you are having difficulty determining the thickness of individual hairs, this might help:

Take a strand of hair from the back of your head. Roll the strand between your thumb and index finger.

Fine Hair -- Your hair is difficult to feel or it feels like an ultra-fine strand of silk

Coarse Hair -- Your hair feels hard and wiry. As you roll it back and forth, you may actually hear it!

Medium Hair -- Your hair feels like a cotton thread. You can feel it, but it isn't stiff or rough. It is neither fine or coarse.
There was a suggestion from someone on this board to include whether one was natural, relaxed, texturized or transitioning.

Furthermore, there is a length signature that some people use. The first number is the length you started at, the second is the length you are currently at, and the third is your goal.

Here is my complete signature:

0/17/42+(I want hair long enough to sit on)

3c/mostly4aFii(iii when curly) *natural* sometimes pressed

Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System

Thank you much. This really helped me to understand my hair better. Im a 4aFi relaxed/color treated.
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System

thanks for posting this again. i still use this in my signature but forgot what all the numbers mean. lol!
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System

For the length signature, an alternative to using numbers, is to use "landmarks," as some posters have suggested. This is especially useful for those who aren't focused on numbers, or who may not measure that often.

An example would be this: shoulders/brastrap/waist, which just like the numbers would refer to the length you started at, the length you are currently at, and your goal, respectively.

Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System

2C/ciii- natural

Thank u MSCHICHI for the great post!! This system is much more inclusive than Andre's.
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System

All I know about this is that there is more to type 4 hair than A and B. I don't see tight s-curls or sharp z-angles in my hair.
I think mine is in a class of it's own!
I see loose, random, curves when I look at a strand, but it's definitely not type 2 or 3 hair...
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System

SingingStar12 said:
Thank you for posting this! It is very informative.

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Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System

Im a 4aFi relaxed/color treated

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I think you have a great idea there LunaLight, adding that you are color-treated to your signature. This could make a world of difference between what would otherwise be very similar heads of hair, haircoloring not withstanding.

I have seen it commented by some posters and sites that they feel Andre's system is hierarchical and could perpetuate the whole "good hair" v/s "bad hair" ideology, because it soley classifies hair by curliness or straightness alone. Some people don't like the whole idea of classifying hair, period. I think there is, however, a need for it, just done accurately. It could end up being very time consuming, costly, and frustrating, for someone to try to figure out what will and won't work for their type of hair, if they and others that they are seeking information from, don't really know what that is. I know this from first-hand experience.

I think Andre's had a good start but it didn't go far enough, and I think the additions Fia has made are instrumental in figuring out hair type. There could be a dramatic difference in the way my hair responds to certain products or techniques as a mostly 4a but with fine hairs, an overall thick head of hair, and natural, and color-treated, as opposed to someone else who is a 4a, but with coarse hairs, a medium head of hair, natural, and non-color-treated----as well as any other combinations.

Here is an illustration of what I mean: My stepdaughter's hair is only a little less curly than mine, but coarse as opposed to my fine hair, which I am also growing out a color job. She has a much easier time getting shine, and thermally straightening her hair (typically coarse hair thermally straighten easier, and reverts less quickly than fine hair-no matter the curliness). Because of my haircolor damage, I am also prone to have more frizzies. But she has a wicked hard time getting a roller set and getting her hair dry, and detangling her hair, even wet.

I think a more specific classification system not only keeps hairtyping from becoming hierarchical, but it also allows it to be a much better tool in helping us find out how we should best meet our individual hair needs.
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System

Great thread!!! It really helps with your hair type, especially since I had a question about hair type earlier this week!
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System

I keep seeing M in some Adrienne 4aMii. What is The M for? I didn't see it in the classification.
Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System

It's mentioned at the very end.

Medium Hair -- Your hair feels like a cotton thread. You can feel it, but it isn't stiff or rough. It is neither fine or coarse.

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Re: Fia\'s Hairtyping System

There is a minor update to the Fia system. She changed the N to a M because of the confusion between normal volume and normal strand thickness.
Nice, this is right on time for me! I've been struggling to determine my hair type and this makes it a lot clearer. :)
Hmmm......I'm still confused. I'm guessing 3b F-Nii. Bouncy???

The 2's is what always confuses me, because I have some "shorter, more distinct S-waves (similar to waves from braiding damp hair)," but more 3b. Like most 3b's that that I see.

Andre classified two heads of hair in his book to be 3b. IMO both heads has some 2b looking waves similar to braiding damp hair mixed with 3b curls. Is it because instead of their waves hugging their head(like type 2's are said to do) their hair grows outward?

These are two 3b heads of hair in Andre's book that I'm talking about.



Does their hair look this way, because their hair is longer and/or all the same length???? Does length stretch curls?

I'm still confused!
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