FHI Runway users who previously owned the Platform...

I was using serum. I am pretty certain it's not my technique because after the same wash session I used both and the GHD won. I went to work after flat-ironing with the GHD the first time and got compliments on my hurr, none when I did the FHI. I tried it on it's really high temp and lower ones. I think it's just one of those cases where it works great for some....just doesn't dig my head. I have a suspicion that my hair doesn't like tourmaline. Because I have the sedu that is ceramic and tourmaline and I don't like it either...and everyone else raves about it. For some reason I seem to do well with 100% ceramic. Which is why I'm so intrigued by the Runway because it has an adjustable temp AND it's 100% ceramic! What temp do you use on your Platform?

Same here! You took the words right out of my mouth.
I wanted an FHI Runway until last week... my stylist at Too Groovy Salon (Atlanta) use FHI exclusively and they live by the Runway... but last week, they were testing the H2Pro and O-M-G!!! That thing is the TRUTH!

He explained to me that the FHI Runway and H2Pro were manufactered by the same company. The difference is the H2Pro has 6 ceramic plates versus the 5 in the Runway. The H2Pro had my hair swanging like no other and my hair was straight even after I finished a 5K run (that's never happened to me).

He also mentioned the H2Pro is a little cheaper than the FHI Runway. But either way I say FHI Runway or H2Pro are certainly worth the investment!
Just thought I'd throw this in there:

I recently messaged patchouli (the user who has that FABULOUS flat iron tutorial on natural hair on Youtube) to get her opinion on the Runway and how she felt it compares to the Platform.

She wrote that she still uses both the Runway and the Platform and that with the Platform, you can/will get the same results as the Runway, except that the Runway gets it done in almost half the time. I'm *ASSUMING* she's specifically speaking on behalf of naturals who may normally use 2 passes or more on each section. I use the Platform and have never had to go over any sections more than once (NOTE: I am relaxed).

I know there are ladies here who have used the Platform and said that it didn't do the job for them, whereas there are some ladies who love their Platform to pieces. I have also seen responses from ladies who said the Runway was alright-- basically, it didn't blow them away, especially for that price.

SO, I figured this might be helpful in any way to those who are considering the Runway but don't want to/can't fit in their budget, or those who are happy with their particular flat iron but are tempted by the Runway and have hesitated because of the high price.

HTH! (Sorry for the novel.):blush::look:
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I do agree that the best thing about the FHI runway is that it straightens in just one pass. Other than that, I really don't see anything really special about it. I am natural.

This really makes me feel better for not going right out and buying a Runway. I don't love my FHI platform but my $85 Croc2 straightens in 1 pass so I'm good.

Thanks again, TDwillis
I am so curious about this croc! People seem to love it:yep:

I say definitely look into it. The results are stellar, the science is sound. If you buy it at Folica it retails for $140 so it's not like it's a cheapy iron. I bought mine (buy it now price) $85 on ebay with a 1 year warranty. I have nothing but great things to say about my Croc2. Digital display shows the temp as it's going up so you know the second it gets there. Heats quickly and makes my hair the sleekest it's ever been. I have a really hard time seeing how a $300+ iron would improve on that... or improve enough, I guess, to make me shell out the cash.

I think the only reason I'd consider one of the big boys was for professional use in a salon environment. If it's a tax write-off and it makes me money, I can see it. :lol: