FHI Instructions Say Use Flat Iron on Towel Dried (Wet) Hair


New Member
I just got the pink 1" FHI on clearance (it has a small nick on one of the plates). Anyway, I was reading the instructions and they say to apply their serum to damp hair and flat iron.

Has anyone used this method?
O.K. Here's what you do...

Step 1: Take out the instructions
Step 2: Tear them into itty bitty pieces
Step 3: BURN THEM!!!


For real though, I would flat iron when the hair is completely dry. For AA hair, it could cause split ends and splits throughout the hair. I normally apply serum when damp and then let it air dry.
WORST. IDEA. EVER!! Once or twice I've airdried my hair and then found a wetspot or two in the back - when the flat iron hits it, it creates steam. HOT steam. And the steam travels right up and bites you on the scalp! It's horrible. Plus, It just seems soo damaging - your hair is fragile while wet, and then on top of that you manipulate it and use heat? Two things that further damage your hair??
So i'm guessing y'all would scoff at the Wet-Dry flat irons out there. :grin: They claim to dry the hair by sealing in moisture. The instructions also say, "if you hear a sizzling noise," don't be alarmed. It's only the steam rising from the flat iron as it sucks out excess water. I asked an AA sales person in sephora how safe this was for AA hair. She responded, "Oh! This is really good. I use it on my hair every other day."

Uh huh! Who she trying to fool with her color 1b chopped hair and jet black raggy-ass weave. :lachen:
So i'm guessing y'all would scoff at the Wet-Dry flat irons out there. :grin: They claim to dry the hair by sealing in moisture. The instructions also say, "if you hear a sizzling noise," don't be alarmed. It's only the steam rising from the flat iron as it sucks out excess water. I asked an AA sales person in sephora how safe this was for AA hair. She responded, "Oh! This is really good. I use it on my hair every other day."

Uh huh! Who she trying to fool with her color 1b chopped hair and jet black raggy-ass weave. :lachen:

Lmao! :lachen:
So i'm guessing y'all would scoff at the Wet-Dry flat irons out there. :grin: They claim to dry the hair by sealing in moisture. The instructions also say, "if you hear a sizzling noise," don't be alarmed. It's only the steam rising from the flat iron as it sucks out excess water. I asked an AA sales person in sephora how safe this was for AA hair. She responded, "Oh! This is really good. I use it on my hair every other day."

Uh huh! Who she trying to fool with her color 1b chopped hair and jet black raggy-ass weave. :lachen:

lol over here
I just got the pink 1" FHI on clearance (it has a small nick on one of the plates). Anyway, I was reading the instructions and they say to apply their serum to damp hair and flat iron.

Has anyone used this method?

I got the same iron right before leaving on a trip 2 days ago. I woke up yesterday and read the instructions. I jumped onto the forum, and you had posted the same questions I had come to find the answer to! Thank you Jade for the question, and thank God for LHCF!!!!!

BTW, I love the results, but I'm not sure about not being able to choose my heat setting. AND I'VE GOT TO WORK ON MY TECHNIQUE.