FHI 207rvi on ebay for $59 - I got one. (it has the heat control dial!!)


Well-Known Member
I know many people have shown an interest in getting one of the higher end irons so this a good chance to try one. My next beauty tool dream is the T3, but this FHI 207rvi is GREAT!! I am loving it!

Here is the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/FHI-207RVI-1-Va...temZ5612756940QQcategoryZ106254QQcmdZViewItem

They shipped it to me in less than a week.

This one has the temp. control dial which is a plus.

(Also there is a seller that has the SCP Tourmaline here for $40. I have heard great things about that one, as well : http://cgi.ebay.com/New-Tourmaline-...ryZ36408QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem)
Wow! That's a steal! I got mine off Ebay and with shipping it was just under $100. Let me know how you like it.
i have only used it once and I love it! one swipe - straight hair. I actually have not had to used it again all week. But, I think all of the nicer flat-irons do this. I am just so used to my $24 Revlon one that this one is like a dream.
HoneyDew said:
i have only used it once and I love it! one swipe - straight hair. I actually have not had to used it again all week. But, I think all of the nicer flat-irons do this. I am just so used to my $24 Revlon one that this one is like a dream.
What temperature setting do you use?
I been lurking on ebay looking for the FHI Limited Edtion

its regularly 300 but I saw it for half that on eBay

but it was gone quick
Do you know what is unique about the FHI Limited Edtion? I looked at the specs and I cannot see anything extraordinary. It is so expensive!
HoneyDew, have you ever used a CHI? If so, how do you think it compares to the FHI?

I used a CHI awhile back and I prefer it to my FHI any day. I kinda wish that I would have tried both before buying my FHI and I'm actually thinking about selling it at some point. Crem, I personally would not suggest buying a FHI for that much money.
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Cincysweetie said:
HoneyDew, have you ever used a CHI? If so, how do you think it compares to the FHI?

I used a CHI awhile back and I prefer it to my FHI any day. I kinda wish that I would have tried both before buying my FHI and I'm actually thinking about selling it at some point. Crem, I personally would not suggest buying a FHI for that much money.

I have never used a CHI. I was debating on which I wanted. The only reason I decided on the FHI 207RVI was the good Ebay deal.

I was looking at a Black Beauty mag that I bought when I went to London and there was raves about the CHI, but i don't recall which model.