Fgrogan is going natural!

She did a GREAT job stretching her relaxer for 15 months so I'm sure she will successfully transition. Love her personality and videos..so I will def follow her transitioning journey.
If my relaxed hair had ever reached her length, health and fullness I don't think I could stomach a transition.
She hinted that she would in a post on another YouTuber's page, so I'm not surprised. I'm looking forward to following her journey!
Her relaxed hair is gorgeous. She annouced this on her FB a few days ago. I love her and will definitely be following her journey to natural!
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Nice! I've been so inspired by her relaxed hair journey, she's actually one of a few that I have watched their hair progress.
LMBO@ her definition of natural, she was letting everyone know the deal LOL. That's my definition as well so congrats to her on her journey.
I think this was a long time coming. I honestly thought that long stretch she did would've turned into a transition.
Wow, love her personality...can't wait to see her transitioning vids. I'm a few months deep myself.
If my relaxed hair was extremely healthy, and at least bsl, I probably would.Not have gone natural. I hopr she sticks to.it.

Sent from. my sexy phone
ChanelNo5 said:
If my relaxed hair had ever reached her length, health and fullness I don't think I could stomach a transition.

I am the exact opposite. I mean my hair is not as luxurious as hers but I'd rather go through a transition than to risk getting a bad perm. That happened to me once and my hair fell out. I wasn't bald but it came out. Now with all the progress I have had over the years that memory still haunts me. I am transitioning.
Actually I'm a little surprised. I'm subscribed to her, but I actually started watching her when I was natural. I think my first video that I saw was her flexirod set during her long-term stretch. But I'm getting off topic. The reason I'm a bit surprised is because towards the end of that stretch and after she relaxed she just complained about how thick her hair was. She said it quite a bit and it negative way. Being that she did the long stretch, which was about 15 months I think, I have no doubt she CAN do it. I just wonder if she WILL do it. Either way, I love her hair. And I'm interested in seeing her styles, no matter if she's relaxed, telaxed, natural, heat-trained, etc.
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She can totally do so. She stretched her relaxer once for almost 2 years. I believe she can and will succeed.