

New Member
Has anyone used these treatments before? Can you please post your experiences and results?

thanks in advance
I have used Fermodyl but I din't really notice anything specatcular about it. Perhaps that is becasue my hair wasn't damaged or breaking.

However, I did notice the other day at Ricky's that they had the Fermodyl in a spray bottle, in addition to the tubes. I want to try it again with a more critical eye but back then , I guess I was just using it without thought.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help to you. I just ddin't want to leave your post un-replied to. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Hi Aalize,

I used to use fermodyl also. I never saw any noticable difference when I used it, however I do have family members who swear by it. They tell me that it adds strength to their hair. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I've used Fermodyl on and off for a few years now. I put it back in my closet when it begins to turn on me - which it does. Normally when I use it my hair is shiny, and feels stronger and more sealed.

When it turns on me my hair feels sticky after I rollerset and it dries. Then I just use a clarifying shampoo and move on to one of my many choices in my product closet....

Fantasia, Motions, Infusium...../images/graemlins/grin.gif
When I had a Halle Berry cut back in '95 I used the Fermodyl #619 in the glass tube. I LOVED it! I would rinse my shampoo, the break then tube and put it all through my hair, then wrap it and let it air dry while tied down with the neck strips. When it was dry, it would be sooooo soft and since it was layered and short, I just finger combed it and walked out the door.

My hair wasn't damaged then but I did abuse it because it was short anyway.

I stopped using it because I'm a product freak and everytime something new came out, I would buy it. Now that my hair is shoulder length and has it's thinning, breakage problems from time to time, I think I might pick up a tube or two (since I have more hair) and try it out again.

If I notice a change for the better or worse, I'll post it.