Fenugreek Users - Does Your Hair Smell 4 Days?


Well-Known Member
Because mine does :ohwell:

I have used Fenugreek twice - once in a tea rinse/mix with amla, brahmi, maka, slippery elm, and olive oil. The second time I was about to do a henna treatment but then realized that I couldn't find my applicator bottle (I won't henna without it) because it was in the fridge with the leftover from my first treatment. So I just added my Karishma henna to it.

The first mix was left in for a few hours and I didn't notice the smell until 3 or 4 days later. I just did the henna mix yesterday and I smell it today.

I mean I just get whiffs of it when I move around and it smells like maple syrup so it could be worse. But I used a shampoo bar and everything so I wondering if I just didn't get it all out and whether or not that might cause me any problems.

Help! :sad:
In a word - yes. :grin:

The cows will have come home and your hair will still be smelling like fenugreek. That stuff is POTENT.
I used to have a maple syrup scent left in my hair when I was using it as a leave in tea rinse, but I don't anymore. Reason being, I cowash my hair after a 2-3 hour treatment with it. Now my hair smells normal since I started doing this, and thankfully too, because I really love the results of fenugreek tea on my hair.
Really? No one warned me!

ETA: I use my shikaki (sp) bar and then I cowashed
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*YES * YES* Emphatically * YES*!

I tried fenugreek for the first time this week...Have mercy! I got so many "Who smells like syrup?" comments I was ready to run and hide! I work around some truly uncouth people, so there was no mercy. Yes, I fessed up that it was me reeking of Ms. Butterworth's.
I'm just gonna find something that masks the smell. I want to use this on a daily basis.
I am starting to think that I will use it for cowashes only. Know one has commented on it but I am making myself crazy :look:
I stopped dcing awhile ago :look: I only use commercial products for cowashing and styling and I wish I could replace those. I guess something store bought is better for getting rid of the smell?
yup but whenever i used fenugreek i used my oyin handmade afterwards and my hair smelled like pancakes. i made everyone at the office hungry so it wasn't a bad thing lol
currently i have french braids, i wanted to leave them in for a month. every other day i plan to spray my hair with fenugreek.

will mixing the spray with an essential oil help with smell or would that even be a good idea? :spinning: