When you say hydrated fenugreek, bhringraj, and aloe Vera, are they all in powder form and what ratio? Do you mix all the powders together before hydrating/adding liquid? Or do you hydrate the fenugreek then add that to the other powders?

i did an amla + bhringraj prepoo gloss for ~1 hour and I loved it. Definitely going to be a staple in my routine when I have time. I would like to add fenugreek so I can get all the benefits but no smell after washing/conditioning. Aloe my hair loves aloe vera powder - I always add it to my henna masks etc.

When I say "hydrated" fenugreek, I mean I hydrate powdered fenugreek over a 12 hour period just like demonstrated in the video I linked. Normally, I made 1-2 batches and freeze them in cute silicone molds for single use.

When its time to make the mask, I defrost a fenugreek bar and mix with aloe vera gel (buy by the gallon, it's cheaper) and bhringraj powder.
I made a great AVJ and Fenugreek Tea Rinse and an oil for my hair on Sunday past and using the tea on my hair this week. The oil is still brewing in the sun in my window sill for another maybe 3 or 4 days before I will start to use it.
Well I finally strained my fenugreek oil today that was infusing for 5 weeks. It is pretty green and potent from the aloe and moringa powders in it. The Fenugreek is really strong too. I already added some essential oils to it to mask the fenugreek scent. Don't want to walk around smelling like curry or maple syrup :giggle:.
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Well I finally strained my fenugreek oil today so it was infusing for 5 weeks. It is pretty green and potent from the aloe and moringa powders in it. The Fenugreek is really strong too. I already added some essential oils to it to mask the fenugreek scent. Don't want to walk around smelling like curry or maple syrup :giggle:.
To me it goes in between smelling like maple syrup and celery. My hair still smells like celery 3 days later lol. Overpowered everything else I used on wash day.
Used my diy Fenugreek Tea Rinse and oil on my hair scalp and hair tonight. I finished the tea and have to make another batch this coming weekend.

The seeds from the first batch, I think I will make a hydrating fenugreek mask for my hair and scalp a little later.

The seeds are in the freezer right now but maybe I'll start to make the mask by this coming Friday.
Used some of my diy Fenugreeek oil on scalp and I used up a bottle of IN Aloe & Hibiscus Leave-in tonight as my cream moisturizer for tonight.

No backups left of the latter and probably not a repurchase either. I liked it but don't actually NEED it.
I also made some hydrated fenugreek mask tonight from the same seeds I used to make my Fenugreek Tea Rinse.

I had the seeds in the freezer to make certain they won't spoil on me. I should be able to freeze the mask maybe tomorrow night and use it up mixed with other herbs and deep conditioners as needed.
I just made some more Fenugreek Tea Rinse using AVJ and water in a 1:1 ratio. I will let it sit overnight to allow it to release it's goodness before using.

Tomorrow I will be adding some essential oils, vitamin C and MSM to it once I've strained it and transferring it to my spray bottle. I usually saturate my scalp and hair with it about 3 days a week. I really love this rinse so much.

I keep it in the fridge to avoid spoiling.
When I say "hydrated" fenugreek, I mean I hydrate powdered fenugreek over a 12 hour period just like demonstrated in the video I linked. Normally, I made 1-2 batches and freeze them in cute silicone molds for single use.

When its time to make the mask, I defrost a fenugreek bar and mix with aloe vera gel (buy by the gallon, it's cheaper) and bhringraj powder.

Do you find that the fenugreek powder dissolves when making the hydrated fenugreek? Looking to try it out but don't want to bother with straining.
Almost out of my Fenugreek rinse so I made another batch and left it in the fridge for a few days releasing it's goodness to spray my hair and scalp with once my current batch runs out.
Also I just put some Fenugreek seeds in Coconut oil and Bhringaraj Oil to infuse for 3-4 weeks in my window sill this afternoon. I have a little bit of oil that I'm using now but will need to use the new oil in short order.
Just checked my oil in my window sill and its now a very dark green. I presume from the Moringa and aloe powders that I added to it. It has about 10-12 more days to diffuse. I can't wait to use this one.
I'm currently doing hydrated fenugreek, aloe vera and bhringraj masks on my scalp at least once a month. I've also added hydrated fenugreek to my rice water mixture and spray that on my hair /scalp with each wash day.

So far, after MONTHS of working on hair growth at my crown, I finally got baby hairs. I think fenugreek helped that as it was one of the few things I've added in the last 2-3 months.

Here's the method I use for hydrated fenugreek. It leaves absolutely zero residue. The con is the process takes time BUT you can easily make a big batch and freeze leftovers.

ETA : the video is in Italian, so please turn on your closed caption for the English translation. She's a bit long winded BUT thoroughly explains how to do this.

I’ve been lurking for a minute, reading the previous posts. I knew about it assisting with lactation because I recall my mother using it for my siblings and smelling very much like maple syrup. In a good way :look:
This video answered a question I had and I thought I saw something else in the same vein as what she said. So since I’m 4.5 months pregnant, I’ll just put a pin in this and wait until I’m in the clear to use this. .....but I may also need to offload a Natures Ego scalp serum if neither my sis nor mom are interested. If I do, I’ll post here first.
I’ll keep reading and living vicariously through y’all for now!
Yes, if you follow the hydrated technique, you do NOT need to strain it before using. There is no residue or little balls at all.

Thank you!

So I ended up making this. My mix did have some small balls in it that I couldnt get out with my fork or immersion blender. Not sure what I did wrong, maybe too much fenugreek powder, not enough water? It did feel really nice and slippery on my fingers though.

I havent used it on my hair since I had braids and wouldnt be able to rinse out the clumps. Ended up freezing it for later.
Thank you!

So I ended up making this. My mix did have some small balls in it that I couldnt get out with my fork or immersion blender. Not sure what I did wrong, maybe too much fenugreek powder, not enough water? It did feel really nice and slippery on my fingers though.

I havent used it on my hair since I had braids and wouldnt be able to rinse out the clumps. Ended up freezing it for later.

Did you allow it sit for 8-12 hours?

I made some this weekend. Used 2 tablespoons fenugreek to about 2-2.5 cups of water. The water was slowly mixed in over the course of 8 + hours.
So I did my first pure DIY Fenugreek pre-poo paste. The past few months I've been making a rinse of fenugreek and rice water but one day I accidentally added more fenugreek than rice (my recipe was typically more rice than fenugreek) and my hair seemed to love it and my scalp begin clearing up even more with the extra fenugreek. So I suspected that fenugreek alone might serve my hair better.

It did. The slip was amazing, and my hair was extremely hydrated throughout the wash day. And I still have enough left over to freeze and use for my next wash day! The only downside is that the seeds don't blend completely (to be fair I have a cheap blender) so when I run out of the seeds I will most likely switch to the powder. However I have so much of the seed that that will be awhile (which I don't mind as the fenugreek seed plus AVJ combo is cheaper on my wallet than a bunch of store bought products). I think I'll be playing with the recipe a bit more to allow for a smoother paste. I did 2 tbsps of fenugreek seeds with 1 cup of AVJ. I think after I use up the paste I made today I'll try 1 tbsp with 1 cup of AVJ.