Female Players/Macks: What Are the Signs?


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies:

I was talking to a guy friend of mine recently, and he was talking about “female players.” The media always makes guys out to be the players, but in reality, we know there are women out there who are playing the same games (maybe even doing a better job:lol:). I want to keep this thread fun and lighthearted, but also to share the typical signs, types and heck, maybe even tips :lol: for being a female player.

Oh, and if you are a “female player” or “mack mommy” share some tips, experiences, advice, jokes, etc. (Hidden_angel, whipz and bmoreflyygirl, get in here and others:))!
I posted in off topic too, but here are the tips I can give below:

Some of my guy friends have told me that I’m the ultimate female “player,” which confused me, b/c I don’t lie, cheat or manipulate men to get things (this is why I started the thread). That’s funny, b/c I’ve never actually tried to be a ”player.” However, I also don’t believe in wearing my heart on my sleeve for every guy. Why should I treat you like my boyfriend when I just met you? Also, I’m not one who just opens up and tells every guy every aspect of my life story. I allow them to get to know me over time. Which usually ends up with a guy not knowing as much about me as I know about him. Guys will always be like “I’m still getting to know you.” I think this adds to the mystery. If I’m dating more than one guy at a time (and if I’m not in a relationship, I usually am), I don’t feel like I have to tell Joey that I can’t go out with him Friday b/c I have plans with Ricky. However, if pressed, I wouldn’t lie. I mean, I’m not sleeping with any of them, so what’s the big deal. Also, I don’t ask Joey what or who he’s going out with on Friday. He can go out with Allison if he wants. What he does when I’m not around is his business. However, if he was my husband or SO, then that’s a whole nother ball game. Then what he does becomes my business! I hope this helps!