Fell Off the 6 Month Stretch Today


Well-Known Member
Fell Off the 6 Month Stretch Today-Pics Attached

So close but yet so far away...I had one more week to reach the 6 month mark and could not do it. I just finished relaxing and now I'm under the dryer with a rinse/color on my hair. I just could not spend 2 hrs detangling today. I will wait and see what my final results are before I decide if I will make another attempt. I'm going to have DH take pics when I'm done. Oh well.....
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I texlax every 5-6 months and I don't always make it to the exact date. You should be proud of your stretch. Plus, if you plan on making this your regular relaxer schedule, it definitely gets easier with time. Congratulations on a very tough stretch! :yep:
You did good Janeemat,I am 11 wks 3 days and i am trying to make it to 12wks and i am ready to relax TODAY.
You ladies are great and know how to lift a down spirit. Thanks for your support. I will definitely take pics regardless of the results. I just have not been happy with my hair the last year.
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Aw my hero Sylver2! I was trying so hard to be like you. Off to rollerset and will be back later ladies.
Why r u down? 6 months stretch is a major accomplishment - u should feel so proud of yourself. I can totally relate to why you haven't been happy with your hair. Stretching is not always a mood lifter as most times you can't even wear the cutest styles etc. I can't wait to see your result - I hope you are pleased.

You ladies are great and know how to lift a down spirit. Thanks for your support. I will definitely take pics regardless of the results. I just have not been happy with my hair the last year.
You know what I admire about you, Sylver2, you always take the time to enter a thread about relaxed hair to respond/offer encouragement:grin:. That is so nice.

r u kidding? you're sad about 1 week..lol. U did awesome!!!!!!!!!! still 6 mths to me
Great job! It is hard to make it to six months. I have never been able to do it until now and it is still a huge struggle for me. Besides, it isn't probably exactly a week short, you may be a little closer by days, hours, minutes, seconds!
Bumpin, will bump again at a decent hour when folks will be up! I love pics, I bet your hair looks fab :)
You did well anyway, besides this was a trial run and a learning process. Next time you'll probably be able to go longer than 6 months.
The pics are taken and on the camera. DH always transfers them to my computer. We were busy with church all day yesterday. Hopefully I will get them posted tonight!
Nothing to brag about but here are the pics...


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Hi Janeemat, thanks for sharing. Are you happy about the results of the stretch? Are you going to do it again next relaxer?

Not happy at all:sad:. No plans to do it again:nono:. I'm convinced that my hair does not like stretching. I did a 5 month stretch about a year and half ago with similar results. I'm going to stick to around the 12 wk mark and really listen to my hair. I have been stuck at this length for 2 years now so it's time to make some major changes. I got 3 inches cut my last relaxer in Oct, so this time I'm just going to dust a little. The thing is I have been on a personal bun challenge since Jan 17th only wearing my hair down on Sundays. They were soft buns and not tight. I only rollerset with my Sat wash. That could be some of the problem of rollersetting so deep into a stretch. But I'm back to bunning, midweek cowash, rollerset on Sat and will see what happens. I will say that I'm leaning hard towards a blunt cut and starting over.