Feeling weary and low in faith


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I am SO in love with the Lord and have always been ever since I can remember. He has been with me through everything and I talk to him and about him like he is my best friend and the love of my life,because he is. but I have a confession.

Being a single mother and dealing with the MANY hardships of life has taken its toll on me and I actually have been a little neglectful of my prayers with the Lord because of it. I have been secretly frustrated with God. Asking him why am I still single?,why must I do it all by myself?, telling him how tired I am physically,mentally and even spiritually to a point where I dont know what to say in my prayers anymore. I feel like I'm saying the same things over and over again and sometimes I am just too mentally tired to pray.

I know all the logical things I should be doing/feeling...I know that now is the time that I should draw nearer to the Lord and not farther away but I am just not feeling enthusiastic right now.

I'm asking that ladies share their stories with me. I dont want to have withering faith and I know its temporary but I just need some positive testimonies from other ladies that have gone through this temporary feeling.

Tee Tee
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Hi Ladies,

I am SO in love with the Lord and have always been ever since I can remember. He has been with me through everything and I talk to him and about him like he is my best friend and the love of my life,because he is. but I have a confession.

Being a single mother and dealing with the MANY hardships of life has taken its toll on me and I actually have been a little neglectful of my prayers with the Lord because of it. I have been secretly frustrated with God. Asking him why am I still single?,why must I do it all by myself?, telling him how tired I am physically,mentally and even spiritually to a point where I dont know what to say in my prayers anymore. I feel like I'm saying the same things over and over again and sometimes I am just too mentally tired to pray.

I know all the logical things I should be doing/feeling...I know that now is the time that I should draw nearer to the Lord and not farther away but I am just not feeling enthusiastic right now.

I'm asking that ladies share their stories with me. I dont want to have withering faith and I know its temporary but I just need some positive testimonies from other ladies that have gone through this temporary feeling.

Tee Tee
When I was going through this I realized that as frustrated as I was with God, He was just as frustrated with me. So I started taking time out to count my blessings. I went as far back as I could remember and thanked Him for the things He did for me. That was when I realized how blessed I was. Things were lined up in my life in a way that I had not connected until I started reflected. I was so grateful.

So yes, pray for what you want. But dont forget to give thanks everyday, 24 hours a day. You will be pleasantly surprised at the blessings that come pouring out on you.

BTW - I felt the same way 3 years ago about being tired and lonely etc. I wondered why meeting someone was so difficult. But I started thinking God and focusing on other thing.
I am getting married in 6 weeks to someone I never even imagined existed because he is just so perfect for me.
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Tee Tee2 said:
Hi Ladies,

I am SO in love with the Lord and have always been ever since I can remember. He has been with me through everything and I talk to him and about him like he is my best friend and the love of my life,because he is. but I have a confession.

Being a single mother and dealing with the MANY hardships of life has taken its toll on me and I actually have been a little neglectful of my prayers with the Lord because of it. I have been secretly frustrated with God. Asking him why am I still single?,why must I do it all by myself?, telling him how tired I am physically,mentally and even spiritually to a point where I dont know what to say in my prayers anymore. I feel like I'm saying the same things over and over again and sometimes I am just too mentally tired to pray.

I know all the logical things I should be doing/feeling...I know that now is the time that I should draw nearer to the Lord and not farther away but I am just not feeling enthusiastic right now.

I'm asking that ladies share their stories with me. I dont want to have withering faith and I know its temporary but I just need some positive testimonies from other ladies that have gone through this temporary feeling.

Tee Tee

My pastor is doing a series on "When You Are Running On Empty" I understand the issues you deal with being a single Mom. Same here. You say you have been a little neglectful. I agree with the person above. Sometime I Praise my way out of it. I will listen to every praise and worship song and when that doesn't work. I just see myself sitting in His lap like a little girl sitting with her Father and being held and just being there for the moment.

Sometimes you just have to wait out the space you are in. Hold on, be encouraged. As a matter of fact find someone who seems to be in worse shape than you are and help them.

My Pastor suggests that when we are running on empty we Stop (take time out during your day even if it is 2 mintues) Be quiet (go somewhere you will not be interrupted or distracted) and Make a connection (read, songs, journal, etc.)

I too wanted another mate but in the meantime, I was getting myself in order, working on things that needed to be improved like, getting my credit straight, finances in better shape, getting physcially fit, getting certified as a church counselor, taking care of me and my son and God placed someone in my path. We are getting married in July. Was not expecting this man, knew I wanted someone but was going to wait because I wanted God's best.

God knows how you feel and He wants you to give it all to HIM. Don't for a minute think that you are telling HIM something that He doesn't know already. Faith and Praise is definitely the way out of this. I had to face the fact that my faith really wasn't faith if I was depressed about the situation I needed HIM to move on. I had to believe/act as though HE has already done the thing I requested (HE has). Remain stable--you can only do that by staying in the word. This is only for a season...love ya!
Thank you ladies....I am feeling much better today and I know that the feeling is fleeting and it comes and goes. My concern is that it seemed to linger longer than usual and I dont want anything separating me from God,especially my circumstances.

I've been at my lowest many times, and sometimes its easy to for a sec think Why Me? This is when God shows Himself to you, when you're able to trust and praise Him even when times are bad, its easy to do it when everything is great. Not too long ago, I was sunk, I had to deal with getting over a long term breakup at the same time dealing with the hassle of med schl, it was a horrible combo. For a month, i shut myself out, and outside of trying to study for schl, I turned to him, praise and worship songs helped me out big time, it was just me and Him, and I came out of it on a higher level. I am now about to get into a relationship with a guy which makes me understand why God had everything happen, I had to let go and grow and set my priorities for what I wanted in a mate, I had to trust Him to send me a Godly man, and not one who would lead me astray. I also wasnt where I needed to be, and becae a better woman after the breakup, God was preparing me all along, I see the bigger picture now and I'm eternally grateful.
Careful who you seek advice from, a unbeliever who operates in the manner of the world can affect your thinking.

Remember the devil is a liar, he's trying to get in and keep you in this state, I ask you to call him by his name, and make Him realize the God you serve, and plead that precious blood of Jesus over your life.

For God has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind 2 Tim 1:7

Praise Him now, lift your voice and shout His name, Praise Him not just for what He has done, but for who He is. He is the Kings of kings and Lord of lords. Remember that, absolutely nothing is impossible to Him.

The following spongs really spoke to me when I felt like I was on my knees in front of a mountain

Fred Hammond "Be magnified", "shout unto God" and Israel & New Breed "Here I am to worship you"

Couldnt find soewhere for u to listen to it online but here are some links to some praise songs on youtube


Naijaqueen said:
I've been at my lowest many times, and sometimes its easy to for a sec think Why Me? This is when God shows Himself to you, when you're able to trust and praise Him even when times are bad, its easy to do it when everything is great. Not too long ago, I was sunk, I had to deal with getting over a long term breakup at the same time dealing with the hassle of med schl, it was a horrible combo. For a month, i shut myself out, and outside of trying to study for schl, I turned to him, praise and worship songs helped me out big time, it was just me and Him, and I came out of it on a higher level. I am now about to get into a relationship with a guy which makes me understand why God had everything happen, I had to let go and grow and set my priorities for what I wanted in a mate, I had to trust Him to send me a Godly man, and not one who would lead me astray. I also wasnt where I needed to be, and becae a better woman after the breakup, God was preparing me all along, I see the bigger picture now and I'm eternally grateful.
Careful who you seek advice from, a unbeliever who operates in the manner of the world can affect your thinking.

Remember the devil is a liar, he's trying to get in and keep you in this state, I ask you to call him by his name, and make Him realize the God you serve, and plead that precious blood of Jesus over your life.

For God has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind 2 Tim 1:7

Praise Him now, lift your voice and shout His name, Praise Him not just for what He has done, but for who He is. He is the Kings of kings and Lord of lords. Remember that, absolutely nothing is impossible to Him.

The following spongs really spoke to me when I felt like I was on my knees in front of a mountain

Fred Hammond "Be magnified", "shout unto God" and Israel & New Breed "Here I am to worship you"

Couldnt find soewhere for u to listen to it online but here are some links to some praise songs on youtube



What a beautiful woman you are! Thank you for taking the time you to took to share your story and give me encouragement. I listened to the links and they were beautiful songs that brought my spirit to tears. God will bless you more for the care in your heart you displayed for another human being. Thank you.
