Feeling Very Lost!


Well-Known Member
I am trying to be a better Christian. But I can't help, but always feeling lost in my place in the world. I am a freshman in college, but I have always felt like this. It's like I look outside and I think of my life and I physically, mentally, and spiritually feel like one big hole of nothingness. I have no real grasp of the future or my life or my emotions. And as I result I always feel so lost sometimes to the point of sadness, but other times to the point of ambivalence. It's very hard to describe, it's like life is not better, but not worse and I'm in like a limbo. But I am grateful to God for all that I have, but sometimes I can't help but feel this way. Do you ladies have any advice about, how to feel more connected in life and with God?
Hey Sis - are there any Christian groups at your school that you can reach out to? I know sometimes it can be difficult to "break into" groups - even the church folks can be clique-ish - but I found some of my greatest support in college through other members of our gospel choir . . . .

In the meantime, as you are seeking out resources, just take a moment and to get still and know that God will meet you where you are at :yep: As Jesus said, it is not the well man who goes to the doctor . . . you don't have to have all of your stuff together to be loved by God.

Will be praying for you!

We are in the exact same boat! I am a freshman in college too and I can't really recommend anything, but I can tell you that you are not alone. I have felt this way since 6th grade
He hears you the question sometimes we do not ask is has He answered and I cannot hear Him.

Get in contact with a group, church or organization in your area. Is there anything you can volunteer for? Any groups you can reach out and be a mentor or teacher in.

Many times finding yourself or what you need has to do with taking an action to help others and you may find that is what you were suppose to do. But if it isn't you keep looking and staying open to Him.

I am keeping you both in my prayers.

I am trying to be a better Christian.

Don't try--just do! Get in His word and stay there. Learn all you can about what He desires of us and just do it. Trust me, He recognizes a sincere heart, and if you stay in His will, I guarantee you He will guide you according to His purpose for you. The other ladies have made some excellent suggestions about joining campus groups and choirs (I was always in somebody's gospel choir in school, and if nothing else, it kept my mind on the Lord and me in fellowship with other believers). Additionally, I would suggest talking to your parents or other older Christians you trust and admire. Sometimes just having their prayers, counsel, and encouragement will keep you motivated to strive in Christ.

I wish you ladies the best, and I think it's wise of you to reach out to others. I'll certainly be praying for you, but in the meantime, read all you can and actively (via ceaseless prayer and, if possible, attending services) seek clarity and revelation from the Lord. He won't leave you hanging. :)

Love y'all! :rosebud::grouphug:
Hi, Julie,

God hasn't gone anywhere. He's always with you. But it's your FAITH (what you do) that keeps you connected to Him. :yep: Sometimes we want God to 'move' in our lives when He's waiting for US to move, to exercise our faith in Him.

What helps me when I get in a 'funk' of feelings is to encourage myself in the Lord. No one else can do this for me. The key to trumping emotions is to do something that ushers in God's presence...like sing a song of praise / listen to songs of praise / read the Bible (I always run to the Psalms) or just silently say "Thank you, Jesus". It's little things like these that are practical enough to stave off any 'attack' from the enemy. Even when we don't 'feel' connected to God, He is still there. He loves us that much.

Since you're in college, there may be a Bible group at your school you could join? Being among other believers will always help you, because we all are tasked as Children of God to lift one another up. It'll tell you this: The worse thing we could do is stay away from other believers/God when we feel down. It's a sure way to stay down.... because your focus will not be on God, but on man and what so-and-so is doing. That's a trick of the enemy no one should fall for.

Stay encouraged and Blessed, because you ARE!

God bless you!

I am trying to be a better Christian. But I can't help, but always feeling lost in my place in the world. I am a freshman in college, but I have always felt like this. It's like I look outside and I think of my life and I physically, mentally, and spiritually feel like one big hole of nothingness. I have no real grasp of the future or my life or my emotions. And as I result I always feel so lost sometimes to the point of sadness, but other times to the point of ambivalence. It's very hard to describe, it's like life is not better, but not worse and I'm in like a limbo. But I am grateful to God for all that I have, but sometimes I can't help but feel this way. Do you ladies have any advice about, how to feel more connected in life and with God?

Stay encouraged, Nana!!! I hope to read your awesome testimony soon...

We are in the exact same boat! I am a freshman in college too and I can't really recommend anything, but I can tell you that you are not alone. I have felt this way since 6th grade
Some ppl think that a life is christ is a life without problems... when the truth is sometimes it's a sacrifice to praise him...Since he is the same God everyday, he is entitled to the same praise no matter our personal circumstances,feelings etc.

:amen: :amen: :amen:

Being a Christian isn't the promise of a problem-free life . . . only that you will have HIM with you in the midst of problems. :yep:
Do you ladies have any advice about, how to feel more connected in life and with God?

I can not say that I perfectly understand where you are coming from, but from what i gather I would like to suggest that you focus on whatever positive you have in your life...

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. Phil 4:8

.... and try your best not just to be thankful but also to be content where you are - so that if things never change you still have your joy....

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Heb 13:5

.....and try to become active in church and/or service to the community. It gives you the opportunity to love others (and be loved by others) which does help to connect with God.

These are my suggestions (that have helped me) - I hope they help you :bighug: