Feeling like your hair it JUST NOT GROWING??


New Member
And everyone else has luscious long flowing hair

Ugh thats how I feel right now

I am not trying to complain but my hair is just not growing fast enough for me at all

Patience my sister. I hear you "Hair grow already." Give it some time stay with your routine. Don't worry. Worrying is like being in a rocking chair, gives you something to do but it gets you no where. ;)
I know exactly how you feel. before I joined LHCF my hair was always one length which was a neck length bob and I had layers. I was getting my hair relaxed every month and thinking to myself "am I going to see some growth this time"? But of course I never did. My last relaxer was November 11 and I do not plan on relaxing my hair until the middle or end of February. I have been co washing, moisturizing, bunning and have limited combing to wash days or co wash days only, Oh yeah and I have not used heat in two months. I have been doing everything to save my ends so hopefully I will see a difference this time around :D .
I feel the same way. I can't put a comb in my hair because its so thick from needing a perm, but no length that I can tell.
that's how i feel....but im trying to just forget about my hair because i know a watched pot never boils...but when my 1 year anniversary comes, i BETTER have some progress that i can see...and a whole lot of it
I felt that way last night after 6 or 7 months of braid outs styles and a lot of b complex. My hair got way thicker and a little longer but in layers:confused:
I just need to break pass this shoulder to armpit hump!

I'm doing all right things - so I now in time I'll get there, but I'm completely bored! :(
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it so annoying
im trying to do all the "right things"
and i probably checc for growth everyday
and then im super afraid that it will grow but i'll have to cut it due to breakage or splits
okay thanks guys
good to know im not alone
The bolded may make it harder to see any progress your making. I actually see that your hair has gotten much thicker and longer from your avatar pics.
EbonyPerez said:
it so annoying
im trying to do all the "right things"
and i probably checc for growth everyday
and then im super afraid that it will grow but i'll have to cut it due to breakage or splits
okay thanks guys
good to know im not alone
EbonyPerez said:
And everyone else has luscious long flowing hair

Ugh thats how I feel right now

I am not trying to complain but my hair is just not growing fast enough for me at all


YES I FEEL THE SAME WAY... i think its b/c I am stuck at shoulder length.. and this is a huge challenge to come away from shoulder length...to get to APL. I am also not very patient:) ;) :p
I try not to feel that way, but sometimes I do. I grew my hair from an inch to shoulder length in a year. I've been stuck at shoulder lenghth for ever. Focusing on health instead of lenth helps though. I want longer hair, but I want it thick and luxurious.
well thank you beautiful
one problem im having though is that the sides of my hair is growing a lot and the middle isnt at all
so i feel im just gonna have to chop it anyway

BeautifulWideEyes said:
The bolded may make it harder to see any progress your making. I actually see that your hair has gotten much thicker and longer from your avatar pics.
Why don't you take pictures?

I'm so glad you made this thread because I thought I was the only one feeling that way but I am going to take some pics so I can see the growth at the beginning of February. Then I will take more at the beginning of April and so on.

This time I am going to get them developed though.:lol:

But like another poster said, "A watched pot never boils."
I only see significant growth when I stretch. Right now I am stretching until April, then until July. By my April perm I will look for progress. If I think about the growth every week, I'll go crazy. every 6 weeks, even if I get 1/2", it still seems insignificant.
Your welcome, and don't chop it if it doesn't need it, maybe a little extra TLC in that area along w/some massages will help speed it along. As long as you keep cutting it you'll never see your true progress, especially if it really doesn't need cutting.
EbonyPerez said:
well thank you beautiful
one problem im having though is that the sides of my hair is growing a lot and the middle isnt at all
so i feel im just gonna have to chop it anyway
don't feel bad...i have a TWA after my third BC in the last 10 years. everytime i grow my hair to a decent length, i've done something to ruin it. relaxer, texturizer, too much haircolor. I've sworn off chemicals completely this time.

your hair looks beautiful! i'd love to have that length!!:p
i know i said this already but is so goood to hear everybody else feeling this way
its just frustrating
i mean even after this thread im still like uggggggggh
i need to have patience....
i just dont have any

instant gratification is what i want you know but what can you do