Feeling hopeless...


New Member
I know that God is in control of every and anything but there are times where i find myself panicking or worrying about the smallest things whether it be school, work, financial issues, body image issues etc...

its a bad habit that has followed me over the year and i watched my father worry about everything from blood pressure to a bump on his arm and now i feel like im following in his steps worrying about the slighest things. and i really dont want the rest of my life to be like this. i am so scared and worried that i will never feel calm and stress free.

i really need advice bc i feel like its effecting my life as a whole and not allowing me to reach out to my potential. this type of behavior is causing me to seem uptight and mean all the time but honestly i want to go back to my old self. ugh this is so frustrating:nono: has anyone felt this way and overcame the feeling of always being overwhelmed?

thnx in advance ladies. i really appreciate it.
I too have/had this problem. I have an ongoing anxiety problem (probably hereditary) that I have had to manage with pray, counseling and medication. But honestly, the best way I've been able to deal is to realize that I can't control everything, and to let God direct me. This gives me peace. Once you give your worries over to Him everything else will follow. HTH, and I'll say a prayer for your peace.
Worry can be a stronghold of the mind.

I would suggest quoting the Word to yourself when you feel that anxiety hit. Remember that this is not just an exercise, the Word is a living and active force and once you speak it out it does not return void.

Here are a few that I speak and meditate on:

1Tim 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Ps 138:8
The LORD will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever ...

Rm 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

There are many more - but remember that in the armor of God spoken of in Ephesians 6, the word is called the sword of the Spirit - meaning it is an offensive weapon against the lies of the enemy. You have the shield of faith that blocks the fiery darts of circumstance or trials in your life - even when things look bleak you can have in faith God's love and that He is working out your situation. So put on the whole armor of God and don't be afraid to use that sword.

The word tells you who you are in Christ. The enemy knows that if do not know your identity and inheritance as a child of God he can keep you bound up in fear and insecurity. As a child of God you have a right to joy and freedom from fear :yep:
Thank you Rasberry for those words of wisdom!

OP: You are certainly not alone. I'm going through my bouts of anxiety also especially in the state of the world we live in and the uncertainly of the future. Prayer and The Word are my only safehaven right now. I'm also about to engage in a fast for healing and for peace of mind.

Right now is the time for you to go to God with ALL of your fears and put your trust in Him.
thnx ladies i will really look into those scriptures and just ask God for patience and know that he is in control of everything.
thnx ladies i will really look into those scriptures and just ask God for patience and know that he is in control of everything.

Good LadyCee.. just remember that nothing is too hopeless for God.

Also, do you have any Christian women you can confide in and agree with? Or a minster or pastor at church? We were never meant to go through this Christian life alone and God designed the church to help us build each other up. We also have more power and authority as a collective than we do as individuals.

Try not to isolate yourself as isolation is often a tool of the enemy. I know it can be hard to tell others what you're going through because of shame or feeling silly, but everyone goes thru something, and someone else may have comfort or a word that you need. :)
((((HUGS))) Remember God said call upon me in the day of trouble I will deliver you and you will honour me (Psalm 50:15) If he can take care of the birds you have to trust and believe he will take care of you too so don't spend your time worrying about things that may or may not happen.. its out of your hands. Also read Psalm 46 it is wonderful for when you are worried or troubled. God Bless sis!