Feel Like My Hair Isn't Growing...


Well-Known Member
I feel like I've been stuck between SL and APL forever.

Before Co-vid, I used to keep my natural hair cornrowed under my wig. I would go to the salon 1x a month where I would get a wash and condition. I asked my stylist braids my hair when damp as to avoid damage. I don't like to use heat. Every 3 months or so I would get a trim. I've just been getting regular trims within the past year.

Since we've been under quarantine I've stopped wearing wigs and have been keeping my hair in 4 twists. Right now, I wash and DC every 2 weeks or so and just leave it alone. I got a wash, condition, trim, and wash n go about a week ago at the salon.

I didn't like the wash n go so I got stitch braids today. I plan on leaving them in for about 3 weeks. My hair grows slow so they don't look bad.

Now that I'm typing my regimen out I feel as though maybe I'm not getting enough moisture? My hair grows suppppper slow though. I've started taking 5000mg of Biotin every day now and I've noticed my nails are growing. Maybe I need a growth aid?

I'm trying to get healthier in general, not just for my hair. I exercise 4-5x a week and drink a gallon of water a day. I also eat 170g of protein each day balanced with fats and carbs. I'm also on a paleo diet as a method to repair my leaky gut. My hair stylist says your gut health also affects your hair health. I've been trying to repair my leaky gut for other health reasons unrelated to hair anyway lol
Are you sure you’re just not retaining length like you thought? The nails are growing so that’s a good sign. Nails and hair are made of the same thing.
I do really really low manipulation. I try not to manipulate my hair more than once every two weeks. Usually every 3 weeks when I wash. My hair definitely grows slow. I remember that from my relaxed days.
So you're trimming 4 times a year? Is it trimming or dusting? Sometimes, we slow growers cut off all of our progress by trimming too frequently. If you keep your hair PSd and low-no manipulation most of the time, I'm not sure you need to trim that often.

Also, I started doing my growth progress pics less often. It would be discouraging to see my 3-mth progress sometimes. So I picked the end of the year as the time to take progress pics. You know what they say about a watched pot, I think I was doing that. Lol. Maybe every three months is too frequent for you to check your growth as well?

IA with you adding more moisture. I am always a fan of daily moisture. I've always used a spray bottle filled with at least 60% water, the rest was some sort of combination of conditioner and oils. I spray my hair at night and in the morning, before and after wigging. Many times, I would substitute one of those sprays with water rinsing in the shower and then slathering on a condish when I got out.

I hope you find something that will work for you! Sounds like you're already exercising and increasing your water intake. And it doesn't sound like you have any breakage issues.
So you're trimming 4 times a year? Is it trimming or dusting? Sometimes, we slow growers cut off all of our progress by trimming too frequently. If you keep your hair PSd and low-no manipulation most of the time, I'm not sure you need to trim that often.

Also, I started doing my growth progress pics less often. It would be discouraging to see my 3-mth progress sometimes. So I picked the end of the year as the time to take progress pics. You know what they say about a watched pot, I think I was doing that. Lol. Maybe every three months is too frequent for you to check your growth as well?

IA with you adding more moisture. I am always a fan of daily moisture. I've always used a spray bottle filled with at least 60% water, the rest was some sort of combination of conditioner and oils. I spray my hair at night and in the morning, before and after wigging. Many times, I would substitute one of those sprays with water rinsing in the shower and then slathering on a condish when I got out.

I hope you find something that will work for you! Sounds like you're already exercising and increasing your water intake. And it doesn't sound like you have any breakage issues.

Yes, perhaps that is it. I've never had a frequent stylist before. I just got one in the past year. She advised that so I just followed her. Before her, I would NEVER trim. I got a trim in the beginning of March and then again at the end of July.

I was wondering if I was perhaps being too rough with my hair during wash days, but I only detangle when my hair is soaking wet underwater, never when dry. Either underwater or soaked with conditioner. I use this brush.


I don't really see much hair in the brush but I didn't inspect the hairs to see if it's breakage or shedding.

Other than that, the stylist detangles when doing extension braiding. I've only gotten the extensions 1x in the past 2 years though. I do them to take a break from the wig.

Maybe I should use a growth aid? I have some MTG but the sulfur gives me build up in the braids. I don't want to take my hair down for another 3 weeks.

Right now I have some MSM in my cupboard. I'm going to try to implement that as well.

Any recs for a braid spray for moisture and growth aid while in braids that doesn't give build up?
Yes, perhaps that is it. I've never had a frequent stylist before. I just got one in the past year. She advised that so I just followed her. Before her, I would NEVER trim. I got a trim in the beginning of March and then again at the end of July.

I was wondering if I was perhaps being too rough with my hair during wash days, but I only detangle when my hair is soaking wet underwater, never when dry. Either underwater or soaked with conditioner. I use this brush.


I don't really see much hair in the brush but I didn't inspect the hairs to see if it's breakage or shedding.

Other than that, the stylist detangles when doing extension braiding. I've only gotten the extensions 1x in the past 2 years though. I do them to take a break from the wig.

Maybe I should use a growth aid? I have some MTG but the sulfur gives me build up in the braids. I don't want to take my hair down for another 3 weeks.

Right now I have some MSM in my cupboard. I'm going to try to implement that as well.

Any recs for a braid spray for moisture and growth aid while in braids that doesn't give build up?

So when I'm in braid extensions, I use a homemade spray bottle mix. It's usually 90-99% water + Infusium 23 (for protein) + peppermint and lavender EOs (great for scalp stimulation and/or growth). I try to stay away from conditioners and carrier oils bc they lead to build up in extensions. I spray it on at night before I scarf and in the morning. I usually only keep extensions in for about 4 weeks at a time. I don't like to do anything longer, seen too many horror stories on the boards. I've also used ayurveda teas as the "water" in my mix and they leave my hair shiny and strong. And some help stimulate growth.

I've tried many growth aids including sulfur, MN, Megatek and MSM. I have not found anything topical that exponentially increases my growth. I'm just a slow grower, period. Because of that, I focus on retention techniques more than growth techniques. Being gentle w my hair when styling and detangling, low-to-no manipulation hairstyles that last at least 3 weeks, maintaining my protein-moisture balance, consistent DCing, trimming/dusting only once a year (if that) has helped me to reach WL twice (once from a shaved head). I also found this to be true with many long-haired ladies on the board over the years. Once I pieced those tips together from them, my retention took off!

This was my latest cut in Jan 2018
View media item 129691
And this was my hair Nov 2019
View media item 130419
See how it's not mindblowing after almost 2 years? Compared to some of the progress pix I've seen, it's not. I've just accepted that I'm not a fast grower so I've found it more beneficial to put my energy into retaining almost everything that I grow. I'm almost willing to bet that your hair is growing along just fine too but it's so hard on here to not compare your growth to other ladies'. Focus on retention, if you aren't already, and I think you'll see some progress. ((BIG HUG))
So when I'm in braid extensions, I use a homemade spray bottle mix. It's usually 90-99% water + Infusium 23 (for protein) + peppermint and lavender EOs (great for scalp stimulation and/or growth). I try to stay away from conditioners and carrier oils bc they lead to build up in extensions. I spray it on at night before I scarf and in the morning. I usually only keep extensions in for about 4 weeks at a time. I don't like to do anything longer, seen too many horror stories on the boards. I've also used ayurveda teas as the "water" in my mix and they leave my hair shiny and strong. And some help stimulate growth.

I've tried many growth aids including sulfur, MN, Megatek and MSM. I have not found anything topical that exponentially increases my growth. I'm just a slow grower, period. Because of that, I focus on retention techniques more than growth techniques. Being gentle w my hair when styling and detangling, low-to-no manipulation hairstyles that last at least 3 weeks, maintaining my protein-moisture balance, consistent DCing, trimming/dusting only once a year (if that) has helped me to reach WL twice (once from a shaved head). I also found this to be true with many long-haired ladies on the board over the years. Once I pieced those tips together from them, my retention took off!

This was my latest cut in Jan 2018
View media item 129691
And this was my hair Nov 2019
View media item 130419
See how it's not mindblowing after almost 2 years? Compared to some of the progress pix I've seen, it's not. I've just accepted that I'm not a fast grower so I've found it more beneficial to put my energy into retaining almost everything that I grow. I'm almost willing to bet that your hair is growing along just fine too but it's so hard on here to not compare your growth to other ladies'. Focus on retention, if you aren't already, and I think you'll see some progress. ((BIG HUG))

I like your post and all that you have said.
So when I'm in braid extensions, I use a homemade spray bottle mix. It's usually 90-99% water + Infusium 23 (for protein) + peppermint and lavender EOs (great for scalp stimulation and/or growth). I try to stay away from conditioners and carrier oils bc they lead to build up in extensions. I spray it on at night before I scarf and in the morning. I usually only keep extensions in for about 4 weeks at a time. I don't like to do anything longer, seen too many horror stories on the boards. I've also used ayurveda teas as the "water" in my mix and they leave my hair shiny and strong. And some help stimulate growth.

I've tried many growth aids including sulfur, MN, Megatek and MSM. I have not found anything topical that exponentially increases my growth. I'm just a slow grower, period. Because of that, I focus on retention techniques more than growth techniques. Being gentle w my hair when styling and detangling, low-to-no manipulation hairstyles that last at least 3 weeks, maintaining my protein-moisture balance, consistent DCing, trimming/dusting only once a year (if that) has helped me to reach WL twice (once from a shaved head). I also found this to be true with many long-haired ladies on the board over the years. Once I pieced those tips together from them, my retention took off!

This was my latest cut in Jan 2018
View media item 129691
And this was my hair Nov 2019
View media item 130419
See how it's not mindblowing after almost 2 years? Compared to some of the progress pix I've seen, it's not. I've just accepted that I'm not a fast grower so I've found it more beneficial to put my energy into retaining almost everything that I grow. I'm almost willing to bet that your hair is growing along just fine too but it's so hard on here to not compare your growth to other ladies'. Focus on retention, if you aren't already, and I think you'll see some progress. ((BIG HUG))
This is so not true. There is no such thing as a slow grower. A lot of people don't properly retain their length. That's the real issue.
I'm sorry you feel that way, dear.
I've measured my growth since 2009. I grow about 4" per year, less than the average (6" per year). That's my definition and what many here refer to as "slow grower". HTH! :)

I so agree, and I’m sure there are many others who would agree too. Whilst 6 inch per year is the recognised average, unfortunately there will always be someone who the standard does not apply to. It’s not beyond the realms of possibility to get less than 6 inches for many people.
I so agree, and I’m sure there are many others who would agree too. Whilst 6 inch per year is the recognised average, unfortunately there will always be someone who the standard does not apply to. It’s not beyond the realms of possibility to get less than 6 inches for many people.


I feel like it wouldn't be called an "average" if everyone's hair grew at the same rate.
Sounds like you’re trimming too much. Im assuming you get .25-.5 inches a month. You’re trimming all your extra retention off. If your hair is constantly protected like this, you dont need to trim that often. Im a fast grower and when I was getting my hair trimmed every 8-12 weeks (like 11 years ago) even I thought to myself “sheesh is my hair growing?” .... You’ve gotta cut back on those trims.
I just popped in to cheer on your efforts. :yay:

Some food for thought: most people see their best retention when their hair is in truly no/low manipulation styles. If you’re being as gentle and consistent as you say, your baseline growth is probably a bit below average. But I personally know over a dozen women who’ve successfully grown long hair despite below average growth rates. Definitely focus on retention.

As a pro stylist, I’m lowkey side-eyeing yours because healthy hair shouldn’t be cut if you’re actively trying to grow it out. :nono: Remember all the threads on lead hairs? I can attest that sometimes different areas of our scalps are on different growth schedules, and people with such scalps can occasionally have naturally “uneven” hair depending on when it’s combed out and examined.
It’s possible your stylist is “evening you out.” Or mistaking gaps in the hemline of your hair for damage or breakage. You can ask her about this if you believe she’ll be honest with you or inspect your ends yourself.
Hair that is properly moisturized and clean then bound up has no opportunity for breakage via friction or dryness... and if you’re getting trims regularly and staying about the same length, your hair is obviously growing.

If you’re considering a growth boost, I’d recommend starting off with something simple and relatively innocuous. I’m partial to Ayurveda if you don’t have allergies, and maybe choose carefully and do your research if you do have allergies. You won’t know what will work for you unless you try. And because you already know you’re a slow grower, try to pick something you can commit to for a minimum of 2 months and do your best not to be discouraged if the improvements are small or slow-coming.

Slow and steady still wins the race, girl! HTH!